Cream Legbar Working Group: Standard of Perfection

no, you dont have to do that, the Bielefelders are a different separate breed now, there is no need to study the founding parent line to understand the breed that resulted from... I was just suggesting to do an outcross because its use on a regular basis on other breeding projects to encrease size... but you can Also use the largest brown leghorns you can find, that would not be concider like a hybrid if its using its original parent line
Nicalandia there's nothing wrong one way or the other with DC just selecting the largest CL. It's just the same thing well all be doing. Right? Slow road but nothing wrong with it. We all have different priorities. I prefer blue eggs. DC has a different end goal than me. I would rather this be a feed efficient egg layer. Because i feel thats playing to the breeds existing strengths. But the breed could stand someone making size the priority over egg color for example right?
Quote: Ok. So the real reason is that I want Malines as well. Studying them as the foundation breed for Bielefelders is just an excuse. Good point about the Brown Leghorns. But where would I find some that are similar to the ones that were available back then? Probably difficult. So I will just work with what I have (GFF line).
Personally it seems very clear why the auto sexing legbar would save on feed in lean don't want to feed to 18 plus weeks old a heap of roosters that really don't produce much meat for the feed because it is of a laying breed.

If you feed that same feed to your meat birds you get a lot more meat for it and won't feed your "layer" roosters for relatively little in return.

It's not something I want to live by but in hard times I think efficient feed decisions outweigh the nurturing instinct that makes us want to give all Roos a nice longer life before their end.

Sorry to say that's the way I see it.

And those hens that reach the point that they're no longer laying...Aside from lap chicken and broody mamma (those that take take up the roles)... Soup stock, piggy food or some combination. I hope mine lay a long time.
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Leghorns and Legbars should have a near perfect feed/egg conversion Ratio, meaning that he for each OZ the hens eat the produce nearly the same amount of weight in eggs, now a perfect feed/egg ration should be 1 to 1 but the hens need energy to keep their bodies and egg laying system going in healthy... but they are very efficient, yeah Males should have been Discarted and Culled, thats the nature of the Autosexing so they could cull the useless(harsh but truth) Males
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That is the exact reason I am interested in the CCL. Feed conversion, lots of (blue) eggs and auto-sexing (I won't have to waste feed on cockerals that I know I am not going to keep).

If the CCL breed is changed to become a big bodied, food hogging bird I will go back to the colored leghorns. I just love those blue eggs though!.

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