Cream Legbar Working Group: Standard of Perfection

I was about to say the same thing...I have a 300 ft driveway I have to shovel by hand then get the 3 lanes of slush the city snowplows pile at the front of the drive since I live on a arterial street. Oh my aching back!

Nicalandia, its a good reminder for me to repost:

We are still looking for wing pictures of male Cream Legbars, so post 'um if you've got 'um!

eta: ebb and flow is the natural rise and fall of things sort of like tides, the ebb is the low part
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I think it's just a busy time of year :)
On that note, I totally forgot to put out a last call for rooster wing pictures. If anyone else would like to share open pictures of their rooster' s wings, please try to do so this weekend. Thank you!
Hi all--Can I get some basic feedback on my CCL Roo ? Here are a few pics--and I have some 5 week old chicks to post later as well. THANKS

My Avatar photo is the same roo.
And BTW--he is healing from some minor frostbite on the tips of his comb. Hurts me to put salve on them--but he's a good guy.
@Chickencame1st It's hard to evaluate his type with these photos- can you get one straight on from the side? I will say he appears to have a good size but size is relative. Do you know his weight? His comb is fantastically straight! Wattles are nice, earlobe is a good solid white, legs have great color. He is gold instead of cream though, but he's a very good start to a flock. Do some test mating to some cream hens and see if he carries cream. In addition to the gold which I can see in his hackles, saddles, and wing triangle he has a lot more chestnut on his shoulders than I'd prefer. But he's a good start if you will be selective with his offspring.

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