Cream Legbar Working Group: Standard of Perfection

I thought so. In checkin out this thread and seeing how beautiful the cream leg bars are (not that Rhodebars aren't), I was so happy I had (or so I thought) two of four Rhodebars. Well we'll see what the breeder has to say about this...thanks for everyone's input. Cream leg bars will be coming to my home soon....booo hook boooooo hook
I've been a slacker about weighing my eggs. I just got whoops some eggs from my best hen . Shes setting them today for the easter hatchalong. She weighed them for me and they came in at pretty good weights. 68.0

I think those are some good egg sizes! It seems to me from visual estimate that size is almost similar to a lot of marans eggs.
I had a hen that lays marans size eggs and lays just about every day too. I sold her but I think the big eggs are getting more common with the breed.

Edit: ... they weren't as blue as I would have ideally liked them to be though. My Only really nice blue eggs were smaller.
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Yep, by bigger eggs were from hens that produced more a green tint, and my bluest eggs were from hens that laid smaller eggs. A friend in the UK told me that the "pure" Cream Legbar's eggs were considered big if they were in the 61 grams and huge if they were 63 grams. It is pretty obvious that the North American stock came from lines that had been out crossed. Larger eggs must have been a benefit of such outcrosses. Greener eggs was possibly a consequence of such outcrossers???
And the nice blue eggs came from the color hen that is more like the first GFF imports. The darker overall color. I like the lighter color but bluer eggs.

I wonder what kind of outcross would lighten the feather color add crest and add a little brown to the blue egg.
She's beautiful...I thought if it had a spot on the head it would be male....
i personally think females having head spots might be a cream tell. Im not able to test this yet though.

I had a hen that lays marans size eggs and lays just about every day too. I sold her but I think the big eggs are getting more common with the breed.

Edit: ... they weren't as blue as I would have ideally liked them to be though. My Only really nice blue eggs were smaller.
my hens laid greener their first year. And were way smaller. Now that they are two years old the eggs are way bigger. Also their eggs are also a sky blue now. I dont know if older means blue but they are not greenish anymore. They are the same or more blue than my ams
i personally think females having head spots might be a cream tell. Im not able to test this yet though.
my hens laid greener their first year. And were way smaller. Now that they are two years old the eggs are way bigger. Also their eggs are also a sky blue now. I dont know if older means blue but they are not greenish anymore. They are the same or more blue than my ams

That is exciting news that they can turn out to lay nice and blue later. I'm glad you mentioned it. Wow as blue as ams is pretty good.
That is exciting news that they can turn out to lay nice and blue later. I'm glad you mentioned it. Wow as blue as ams is pretty good.
last year as pullets the cream Legbar egg color was fluctuating a lot. my ams are not as blue as I think they could be.they are also pullets and their egg color is fluctuating. it was recently discussed on the AM's thread. Or lavender ams thread. I wonder if this is just a pullet thing becaues the cl are definitely blue now

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