Cream Legbar Working Group: Standard of Perfection

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I meant to say large + crest, not comb, being found on the vaulted skull. Here is a pic of a vaulted verses regular skull I pulled from a Google search.

If you didn't have the knob, then you don't have a vaulted skull. If you feel your live bird's head along the comb and crest there will be a hard/firm knob rising from the skull, if there is one. I'm not sure if these are the same as the Silkies type, but they are similar.
We should definitely be breeding away from the knobs, especially the ones that are pushed forward over the eye causing the wickel combs.
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I have a question which crest in right for a pullet four and a half months old. I have three take a look please I need help. To me one has a BIG crest one none at all and a middle one which one is right all hatched same time same bunch.
Your rooster has nice color, earlobes and comb. His back looks a bit short but could be his stance in the image. His barring on the breast may not be as distinct as it could be but I cannot tell for sure. Your girls seem a bit dark to me and the salmon on their breasts need work. The crest only needs one gene to show itself but then that means depending upon the pairing you will get an occasional non-crested bird if some of your flock is single gene for cresting. I have been told that the smaller the crest the more likely you are dealing with a single gene. All my birds are crested but I know I have at least one rooster and hen that are single gene for it as i still get an occasional uncrested bird. I like the poofier crest on the female. The small neat one that everyone likes does nothing for me so I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place on that.
M, do any of your poofier crested girls have more of a wave instead of the wickle comb? If so, then those are perhaps the genetics that will help your roosters and hens have the straightest combs while keeping the crest you prefer.
M, do any of your poofier crested girls have more of a wave instead of the wickle comb? If so, then those are perhaps the genetics that will help your roosters and hens have the straightest combs while keeping the crest you prefer.

I have 2 or 3 with no s-shaped front. I have one male with no s shaped front and a pretty small neat staight comb with just the very slightest bend in the back and 1 with an s but straight back and one with a bent back but a barely noticeable twist up front. Macbeth has hurt his leg and is going lame. I think I may have to cull him this weekend. I'm not really concerned about the comb as long at it's not flopping over. I don't mind a slight flop at this point in my breeding program. I cannot out source for different stock as I run a closed Legbar flock except for birds from GFF so I have to keep breeding forward to fix it.

I have quite a few (that's a euphemism) male chicks growing out to pick through and it looks like I have some that may have some nice looking combs to pick through for my next breeder. This last hatch was very male heavy but it was not a big one so I only have another 5 or so to toss in the brooder.
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I would like to know is there anyone out there that has a cock with a noticeable crest and a straight comb.
I was looking at your rooster in the pict. and wondered if he did have a crest--- I thought that it looked like he does..... Is he missing a crest?

Here is a photo of my guy from April - and I'm sorry it isn't very can tell from that he has a crest---you can't get a whole lot on the comb.... His fancy 'sox' are from blue kote that I put on after I despurred him. As I said not a good pict - and there are a couple of pleats near his head above his beak....

ETA -- LOL - he's also in my Avatar --- that is when he was a young whipper-snapper --
One thing that Dr. ETD has mentioned frequently is the SOP calls for the noticeably darker breast barring...and when he was a youngster he didn't have it to the degree that he has now. Steen also noticed that in his seems to come in at about 1-year old or more JMO. Oh yeah, and his comb has 6-points and I'm working on combs.... :O)
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I was looking at your rooster in the pict. and wondered if he did have a crest--- I thought that it looked like he does..... Is he missing a crest?


Here is a photo of my guy from April - and I'm sorry it isn't very can tell from that he has a crest---you can't get a whole lot on the comb.... His fancy 'sox' are from blue kote that I put on after I despurred him. As I said not a good pict - and there are a couple of pleats near his head above his beak....

ETA -- LOL - he's also in my Avatar --- that is when he was a young whipper-snapper --
One thing that Dr. ETD has mentioned frequently is the SOP calls for the noticeably darker breast barring...and when he was a youngster he didn't have it to the degree that he has now. Steen also noticed that in his seems to come in at about 1-year old or more JMO. Oh yeah, and his comb has 6-points and I'm working on combs.... :O)

No my cockerel as no noticeable crest I have had some with it but there combs flopped over .I culled them all this cockerel has a straight comb but no noticeable crest or what can be consider a crest on a male a feather are two ?
No my cockerel as no noticeable crest I have had some with it but there combs flopped over .I culled them all this cockerel has a straight comb but no noticeable crest or what can be consider a crest on a male a feather are two ?
I have yet to see a 100% straight comb and a nice noticeable creast, the larger the creast the combs get more folds

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