Cream Legbars

They are completely white and breed true.

They carry 2 recessive white genes. If they express the white they cannot express anything else. The problem is in my flock I cannot guarantee anyone a bird that does not have the recessive gene.

I suppose by doing controlled breeding to whites for several generations I could make a 100% non-recessive white flock, but I have them too intermixed at this time. When I found out I had the white gene it was too late...

However, If I could get what Meyers and MyPetchicken does for the whites, why would I want too..

I have more whites than both of them together have available for sale for the entire year. I so love my whites!
I have never seen the white CLB. They sure are a pretty bird.
They are completely white and breed true.

They carry 2 recessive white genes. If they express the white they cannot express anything else. The problem is in my flock I cannot guarantee anyone a bird that does not have the recessive gene.

I suppose by doing controlled breeding to whites for several generations I could make a 100% non-recessive white flock, but I have them too intermixed at this time. When I found out I had the white gene it was too late...

However, If I could get what Meyers and MyPetchicken does for the whites, why would I want too..

I have more whites than both of them together have available for sale for the entire year. I so love my whites!

I went over to the white sport legbar thread. You mentioned you were getting rid of some of your culls. Did you get rid of all of them?
Buckeyes are a flash in the pan, you might as well process all yours now...

BTW Did I tell you I have 2 cats again?

Oh Ralphie if you ever raise these birds you'll know they are amazing birds with even better personalities!

I should have read all the threads before I asked about the cats!
These birds would do well in your climate, way better than in mine. Heat does not bother them at all.

I know our climate would be fair for CLBs because of the Leghorn breed history in them but after 6 yrs of hit-and-miss w/ different breeds we've finally settled on the under-5-lb docile breeds w/ walnut, pea, or no combs -- these breeds have been mellow to keep together. The smaller lightweight to medium breeds have been best for us. I want a rosecomb Dominique next - had one once and would like one again to round out my flock number. We loved our blue-egg pea-comb Ameraucana (exceptionally docile and non-combative) but she was too heavily-downed for our humid climate. I like a lot of different breeds but found some get along better w/ each other than others. DH loves his Silkies so all breed additions have to be on a smaller size and must be very docile breeds.

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