Cream Legbars

When I put up my pen I spent hours with a pickaxe and shovel digging through hard clay packed with jagged rocks both large and small. I managed an 8-10" deep trench around a 25'x25' pen, and stapled the hardware cloth underground to slab Cedar planks. I figured if it took me several days to dig a trench that deep no predator would spend more time than that digging, plus 12" deep would have taken another couple days. My neighbor drilled the fencepost holes for me with his tractor and posthole auger, and it took several sheer pins for each hole dug due to the size and number of rocks. However, I now have a totally dig-proof pen. (Actually 2 - I added on an additional pen a year later (thanks to Chicken Math), but this time dug the trench with a backhoe on my tractor.)

Man, I am sweating just reading your post.
Here is my trio again, its been a few weeks since I shared pics of them here. I took these today.


And here is my little pair.
Here is a picture of my new boy. My daughter has named him Hidan but I am going to call him Cochran. He is keeping company with a silkie and a D'uccle that we bought as friends.

Oh Carol he is just beautiful! Nice and gray- maybe he will grow up with the right coloring!

I have more baby pictures I have been dying to share but I entered them in the club photo contest so I need to wait until the voting has ended.

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