Cream Legbars

And the goal is to avoid the more color and stay close to cream for the SOP? I ask because I only want to feed up one rooster and 3 hatched. Two were light and 1 was dark downed. The choice would be really easy if I just picked the dark downed one to pair with the dark downed only female to hatch. And I understant that to pick the best rooster I would really need to grow out all three but with only 1 female and a few other roosters of different breeds, I'm choosing to keep only 1 CL rooster from this hatch.
If anyone is looking for a rooster chick or two from ebay eggs, feel free to come and get mine.
Wow Sally,

It takes awhile to know how the rooster will turn out. Is there a chance that you could have someone in 4H, or an ag class in school raise up your birds, if you explained to them how rare and valuable they are? Perhaps with an agreement that you would have first right of refusal (or trade out) when they reach a certain point of maturity.

Perhaps you could bring a younger person on board with some very nice chickens, and then if the one you kept turned out to have a floppy comb or something less desirable, you could still have access to the other roosters. Just a thought.
And the goal is to avoid the more color and stay close to cream for the SOP? I ask because I only want to feed up one rooster and 3 hatched. Two were light and 1 was dark downed. The choice would be really easy if I just picked the dark downed one to pair with the dark downed only female to hatch. And I understant that to pick the best rooster I would really need to grow out all three but with only 1 female and a few other roosters of different breeds, I'm choosing to keep only 1 CL rooster from this hatch.
If anyone is looking for a rooster chick or two from ebay eggs, feel free to come and get mine.

If you want to breed towards the Cream standard and have no way to grow them all, I'd choose the lightest gray chick with either no or the least amount of reddish brown on his head. But there are no guarantees on how they'll turn out. Best wishes!
ohh they won't be fed to the cat or anything like that. I tend to rehome to nice for chicken homes. I got the eggs from an ebay listing so not from the best breeder. Also I can't be too sure the roo is not the brother of the hen. I'm going to try another hatch this month from a different ebay seller, I'm sure to get more roos from that hatch too.
I can call the 4H person. I have the number somewhere. Maybe someone would want them. Right now I have them listed on CL. If no one really wants them then I will keep feeding them.
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That would be the one we call little guy. He was the last to hatch but he does have a nice way about him. I did not think he was going to make it, yet he is still here and having a great time in the box.

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