Cream Legbars

Thank you, I will! All I have is one of those cheap styrofoam incubators, at least it has a fan! This hatch, the incubator went into this entertainment center.....for obvious reasons.....note the interested predators watching my every move!!!
I keep the door closed to keep them out!!! This will be especially important when the cheeping starts!

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Your curious cats are pretty -- !!!

Here is what I got on the game cam last night.... ;O(

It is sniffing where chickens were earlier in the day. Just moved two little portable Eglus from that part of the yard---you can still the attached run (now detached) in the background.

I know that the raccoons can't get into those coops and runs -- but I hate that they are there to bother the chickens -- 10PM 3AM and 6AM on most of the shots. I think THAT is why I have had a spate of 'mean rooster' incidents. They feel 'under attack'.
Your curious cats are pretty -- !!!

Here is what I got on the game cam last night.... ;O(

It is sniffing where chickens were earlier in the day. Just moved two little portable Eglus from that part of the yard---you can still the attached run (now detached) in the background.

I know that the raccoons can't get into those coops and runs -- but I hate that they are there to bother the chickens -- 10PM 3AM and 6AM on most of the shots. I think THAT is why I have had a spate of 'mean rooster' incidents. They feel 'under attack'.
OOOOOH....I hate those nasty vile creepy murderous monsters called Raccoons!!!! I'm glad your coops are secure because as you know they are sport killers. After they have hit, the place looks like a crime scene!!!! No wonder your roosters are on guard!

We moved here from Bulverde, TX 2 years ago, and while in Texas we had tons of those nasty raccoons. They managed to stick their nasty little fingers through 1/4 inch hardware cloth to grab pieces of our baby rabbits! Blood sprayed everywhere as they were trying to squeeze them out through the wires. My poor daughter who was 12 at the time was the one to see it first the next morning. chunks of her baby rabbits stuck in the was horrible!!!

I really hate those vile creatures!!!! Can you "take them out, cull them"? I don't think it's legal in Texas to catch them live and relocate them.....but I can't remember.....
We were told by wildlife officer to kill rather than relocate raccoon due to the fear of rabies being spread. They can carry it and not get sick.
A lot of municipalities allow you to kill raccoons but some don't. I would talk to animal control and determine what is legal most say you can't poison but can trap and kill.
I'm sorry about the Raccoons, that sucks, at least you know so you can take action.

I'm very fortunate that in the UK the only think we have to be worried about is foxes, however I have lost many birds to them. I think my hens are well protected now, touch wood.
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Your curious cats are pretty -- !!!

Here is what I got on the game cam last night.... ;O(

It is sniffing where chickens were earlier in the day. Just moved two little portable Eglus from that part of the yard---you can still the attached run (now detached) in the background.

I know that the raccoons can't get into those coops and runs -- but I hate that they are there to bother the chickens -- 10PM 3AM and 6AM on most of the shots. I think THAT is why I have had a spate of 'mean rooster' incidents. They feel 'under attack'.

WOW! I really want to set up game cams around my coops. In winter I often see tracks but don't know what they belog too, it could likely just be a neighbors cat. But Im always interested in seeing.

I hope your chickens stay safe with those critters around so close.

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