Creative Coop Names

I have completed the sign...I love the name and smile every time I see it! Thank you 7 Biddies! A little bit of you is in Central Alberta!

WOW! How cool is that? Thanks for the compliment.

In the meantime, it's not coop names, but I just got a new flock and named the 2 Speckled Sussex's Margaret T. Hatcher and Eggatha Christie. I thought they were suitable names for proper English ladies.
We have finished the coop and are actively working on the run. We are calling ours the "Feather Fortress" due to the fact that I am over-engineering and over-building it since we have a LOT of predators here on the ranch! It is a fortress for sure!
We have finished the coop and are actively working on the run. We are calling ours the "Feather Fortress" due to the fact that I am over-engineering and over-building it since we have a LOT of predators here on the ranch! It is a fortress for sure!
Flashing solar LED lights will help repel nocturnal predators all night long... I & some of my neighbors successfully use this method to deter skunks, possum, raccoon, etc.
The same principal is used in Africa to repel Lions from the goat and cattle pens ;)

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