Crested questions


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 4, 2013
I have a 2 white crested ducks that are 12 weeks old and today they both have started sleeping standing up with one leg curled up under them. Is that normal to sleep like a flamingo for a duck? 2 question at what age do I remove the heat lamp and it be ok for them? And at what age do I move them outside in there coop? I'm just not sure cause I still feel like they are my babies. Thank you for all your help everyone. One unsure duck mama xoxo
At 12 weeks they don't need a heat lamp. They stop needing a heat lamp at about 6 weeks. They are more than ready to be out in their coop at this age. And yes some of my ducks stand on one leg and sleep. I feel the same way about my geese who are 3 weeks old. I've already told my bf that no matter their age they can come in and visit. He loves them so much he agreed as long as I clean up after them lol.
Our ducks do that when they are resting. You can put them outside when they are fully feathered. Our youngest ducklings have been outside since they hatched, because it is hot and humid here. It really depends on your weather.
I had two male white crested a, Doug and Stan. In May they were one year old. Both were very loving and friendly. In late May, Doug was abducted and murdered by a fox we presume. Since then Stan has been very mean towards me, chasing after me and biting at my feet and hands. I have tried everything, picking him up and carrying him around, grabbing his bill and holding it until he relaxes, telling him no, pushing him away, even putting my body on him to show him I am in charge. Nothing works, he is very aggressive. We thought maybe he was lonely, so we added 3 new drakes in June. It took a few weeks before we put them together, but now they are together in the same yard all day and the same coop at night. Stan is still very aggressive and won't let me near the babies. He recently has begun pecking at the smallest of the babies, Pedro. We have had to treat Pedro's head a couple times because of wounds. I hate the thought of finding a new home for Stan, but I don't know what else to do....I can't even go out into my own yard without being attacked. And I have to continue to reprimand him for several minutes, then even if I walk to another part of the yard, he comes at me again. What do I do?
I had two male white crested a, Doug and Stan. In May they were one year old. Both were very loving and friendly. In late May, Doug was abducted and murdered by a fox we presume. Since then Stan has been very mean towards me, chasing after me and biting at my feet and hands. I have tried everything, picking him up and carrying him around, grabbing his bill and holding it until he relaxes, telling him no, pushing him away, even putting my body on him to show him I am in charge. Nothing works, he is very aggressive. We thought maybe he was lonely, so we added 3 new drakes in June. It took a few weeks before we put them together, but now they are together in the same yard all day and the same coop at night. Stan is still very aggressive and won't let me near the babies. He recently has begun pecking at the smallest of the babies, Pedro. We have had to treat Pedro's head a couple times because of wounds. I hate the thought of finding a new home for Stan, but I don't know what else to do....I can't even go out into my own yard without being attacked. And I have to continue to reprimand him for several minutes, then even if I walk to another part of the yard, he comes at me again. What do I do?

If you really don't want to get rid of him then I'd separate him. Solitary confinement is what he needs. In a place where he sees no one. Of course feed and water him and make sure him and his environment is clean but other than that is leave him alone for a few days. You said you've tried everything even putting your body on him. Well that is a major thing especially since he's not listening. How did you do it? I've had to do it to a few of my drakes not b.c. of there aggressiveness towards me but towards other ducks. They learned quick. They know that when momma steps out in the yard they better behave and be nice. If not I will either chase them away or "mount" them if they have really crossed the line. When you do that you have to make it as real to them as possible. I chase them grab ahold of them and push them to the ground and pinch the back of their necks. I don't pinch hard but enough to notice. Then I let him go and do a victory lap around the yard. Whether or not the victory lap is needed I find it amusing and it does work. They have gotten a lot better and I only have to say boys you better leave her alone and they will. If they keep walking towards her I will sprint to him with my head down "as if I'm charging him" and he backs off and hi tails it out of there. I usually chase him a Lil bit like that just so he knows.
Good advice. I have only tried the mounting thing two times. I grab him, push his body to the ground and sit over the top of him just so he can feel that I am there, but not with any pressure. The babies run from me, I guess we didn't hold them enough when they were tiny. If I have food, they do come running, so maybe. They understand that I am in charge. I will try the victory lap just because that sounds fun!
If you do the mounting thing make sure to be consistent b.c. they are smarter than they let us believe. Plus they learn by repetition the fastest. Lol its deff fun although I'm sure my neighbors think I'm a Lil bit crazy. Especially since I quack while I do it lol
I tend to not believe that they learn by repetition. Because EVERY time I leave the deck, he charges me and EVERYTIME I grab his beak until he relaxes. This happens every morning and EVERYTIME I go into the yard throughout the day. I thought for sure by the 4th or 5th time he would have gotten the message. But we have been playing this game since the end of May. So tired of it. I will do the mounting thing exactly the same way for this weekend and see if he gets it by Monday.
Hmm maybe b.c. he does it every morning he just thinks its part of his routine? All the while knowing that you will grab his bill if he charges you.

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