crested runner ducks from ideal

I got Sammy from a lady who ordered him from Cackle. He has a crest but not much. His looks like a mohawk

am going to tell you this so you can be warned before you have to possibly deal with a disabled duck: This picture shows one of my two completely normal crested ducks from Metzer Farms grazing at the pond. My other crested duck can't come to the pond because she is blind in one eye, has seizures, and can't keep up with the flock. When we first got her, one of her eyes was cloudy and had discharge coming out of it, we assumed it was an injury. We first discovered something more was wrong with her when she flipped over in her pool all day and started shaking uncontrollably. I held her until it stopped, and she was okay, but if I wasn't there she would have drowned for sure. Due to the fact that she is blind, she can't free range with the rest of the flock because she gets left behind and is at risk for being killed by a predator. Whenever she gets nervous or scared, her body will start shaking all over. Since the flock doesn't see her most of the day, they recently began picking on her. I wish so much that she could just be a normal duck, but due to her crested gene she cant be. Maybe your duck will be totally normal, but I thought you deserved a fair warning, like I wish someone had given me.
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My fawn/wht crested Runner duck has a white crest. Wasn't sure if they had coloreed crests but I suppose they could since my crested Magpie has a blk/wht crest. Makes it very hard to see on her. Her name is Maghat! Geez, it is hard to name some birds!
yes i bought 2 crested runners today one male one female to breed with my non crested runners they are 6 months i paid 15 a piece the lady bought from double r supply out of florida they have a nice web site. they aren't that up right more production type but have beautiful crests. my daughter loves them too and she is two she squeeled like a pig .
What is your Drake to Hen ratio? Adding another drake if you don't have a substancial number of hens (3-9 per drake) can be a disaster. Please don't let the crested runners breed with each other or better yet....don't breed them at all....

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