Crochet! 2010 Spring Fling Floral Square Swap!! CLOSED!

Smitty's Farm :

Hi there!

Greetings from Smitty's Farm (aka Kim)

Just wanted to stop by and say hello and see how everyone's floral squares are coming along. I love participating in swaps, b/c it forces me step out side the box of my comfort zone and learn & try new designs.

Where is everyone???
I hope everyone is having as much fun as I am making them. I'm so exciting about receiving them.

It will be truely a big surprise since no one has posted any pictures of their work.
I have thought about posting pics of mine, but kind of like they mystery of not knowing. I love surprises!!!!

baustin, I forgot to tell you that I bought the same motifs book that you bought.
The one that red posted. It's a hard back copy, but the price wasn't to bad since I had a 30 percent off coupon.

I haven't had time to try anything out of it yet, but looks really cool. Actually one of the square designs looks like the same design I did for my second round for this swap from a different book, but won't tell ya unless you really want to know to keep it all still a mystery. It looks like it, but haven't compared each designs step, plus I tweaked my design a little also.

I hope everyone has a fantastic day~

I think everyone is either busy in their garden or trying to get their blocks finished. It's been quiet around here like you said. I'm done with my blocks, have the addy and hope to get them out of here by next week. This has been a busy week for me. I retired but went to work for a friend that publishes a magazine and it's subscription time and then my DH had to have a procedure done so lost a day caring for him since I had to drive him back and forth. I hope next week will be a little less stressful. I'm excited too about the swap. I got some really pretty hex's from the last one.​
What I am doing...

8 of 1 flower,
8 of a different flower,
8 of whatever flower that caught my fancy in whatever colours I had!

SOOOO can't wait to see them!!!
I like the surprise idea.. we know roughly they'll be floral design and square in shape.. but the color combos and sizes are gonna be impressive I'd imagine!

29th... too far! HAHAHAHA! Not really!
I got mine off the net, since it looked like so many might be using the same book. I looked and looked till I found one that looked like it might present a challenge to my amazing talent
I'm halfway through my second set. I made one set in a solid color and the second one I'm doing in a bright variegated yarn.
I have been doing an amazing amount of charity crochet lately and working on 4 blankets.

I do solomnly swear to whip out at least 16 squares this weekend and get them mailed out next week.

Just wanted everyone to know that I hadn't forgotten.
Ok Ladies!!

We're heading into the final weekend!

I know we're all getting Spring Fever, dying to get outside and dig up the garden!! And busy wrapped into various charity work too - I myself now have 3weeks to complete an afghan for Relay for Life!! LOL!

However, threads tucked or not, if we could PLEASE get them mailed out to me that would be FAB!!!

Can't wait!!

Thank you all for participating in this Swap!

I am going to weave my tails in tonight while I watch TV and will get them in the mail on Monday.

Woo hooo!!!! I can't wait to see everyone's lovely floral squares. How exciting!!!!
Mine is in the mail......

Got them today!!
OOO! Y'all are in for Such a treat!!

I should probably weave in all my ends... I'll try! That Relay blanket is SCREAMING...! Anyone else have that problem?
I mailed mine out today by priority mail.
I'm sorry to say that I did not get all my tails weaved in order to make the deadline.

So SORRY!!!!! I did get at least one set, plus woven.

So excited!!! Looking forward to everyone's beautiful florals.
uh oh, i got busy testing my chickens for the show and moving chicks, I forgot all about it. And I even sat here this morning and got them all packed in zip lock bags and everything. Tomorrow, first thing, I promise!

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