Crochet! 2010 Spring Fling Floral Square Swap!! CLOSED!

A week and a bit overdue...

Please, lets wrap up what we have and send them all in so we can ALL enjoy the Spring Fling Floral Squares you've worked so hard to share!! You won't be sorry! :eek:)

Also, PLEASE don't forget to send your return postage!

Thank you!!!

I hope you've all enjoyed this Swap... I've been wondering another - one suggestion is flowers again, but I also saw potholders? Maybe if we did them in cotton yarn (NO Synthetics!)..

Has anyone had contact with the missing??? I've been unsuccessful...
I've PMed them with no response...

I will let this go for one more week - then send them off to those of you who got your squares here - I appreciate this! Immensely!!
I hate to be mean about this, but I really want to Close this and move on! AND share these beautiful
squares with all of you who participated!

Hopefully, I'll hear from those of you who forgot to include your return postage too - PMed you as well!

No return postage - how am I to get these back to you... Outta My pocket?????
Sorry, but it's Not gonna happen. You won't get your squares.

In order for Swaps like this to work.. you Must be responsible and uphold your end.

Queen Scoot
BuckCreek Chicken

I believe BuckCreek has said that she was just running behind...

I know I am one of the crazy ones who forgot the postage. Do you have a paypal account?

BTW - one of the people you are waiting on still owes me a christmas crochet box.
Majestic - Crazy?? I don't recall calling anyone crazy! I've re-read the posts... I'm sorry if anyone, especially you, took my rant as calling you crazy - Truly Sorry! I am very sorry!!
No, I don't have PayPal.. again, sorry. Could you please just send it to my address? Sorry to hear you were shorted for your Christmas swap...

Buck - I did hear back from you.. Thank you! I eagerly look forward to your squares next week and appreciate the heads up!!!

I am having a very bad time myself... I was hoping for a pleasant distraction with this exchange.
Just breathe...

Hugs for all!

ok.. Once I get Bucks' squares and the missing postage (Jen, I unfortunately, still haven't received yours), I'll be sending out what I have and Hope for the best.
Just gotta remember to breathe...
you didn't call me crazy. I called myself crazy for not remembering. You silly girl, lol. I am in bed with kidney stone issues. I am supposed to be washing birds for this weekends show. ARGH!!!!
Me either!! I am anxiously waiting to see what everyone has come up with. Also, I am hoping that you guys will do the suggested potholder swap ~ I have been making a few fun ones in anticipation of it ~

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