Crochet! 2010 Spring Fling Floral Square Swap!! CLOSED!

Poopie Rainy, thundery day here! Soccer game to boot... ARGH!

I have Finally sent the envelopes back in your directions!!
I have had an Incredibly, Insanely busy week - chicks hatching before I was ready, kids and their school activities - field trips, performances and Tea Party... Pop-up lia Show to do - last minute!!... AND the garden!!! OMG! Well overwhelmed!

I hope you all enjoy your squares... and if you'd be SO kind as to point me in the direction of How-To post pics in a thread, I'd be SO grateful!!

Happy Mother's Day to you All!
Hey Erin~ CONGRATULATIONS on your new chicks!!!!
How exciting!!!! I love cute new fluffy butts. I totally understand. Spring is always so crazy w/ all the end of the school yr stuff and trying to get the garden planted.

I'm trying to do some over due spring purging. Whew...... it has accumulated!
I have everything out of dd's room and we ripped out the carpet, painted the floors and walls and she has taken over two other room in our house. Whew, a big mess. She's sleeping in one guest bedroom and her stuff is in the other one and down the hall. I'll determined to not let things go back in the room unless they are keepers. Her room looks great, but we need to get it back together.

I also have 3 broody, hormonal mamas. I wasn't planning on hatching any thing this yr, but just could help myself when I knew I couldn't break them. I have one in a carrier inside (Blue Ameraucana) raising one chick, the second one ( Delaware) is inside in a carrier raising 3 chicks and the 3rd one is still in the coop, but she keeps climbing in different nest boxes after her break and doesn't sit on the right eggs, so I keep taken them away from her and throwing her out of the box. The daddy to the chicks is a blue Ameraucana and the mamas are all mystery, but came from blue/green eggs. I don't have my pure Ameraucanas separated yet from my EE, so mystery chicks, but oh sooo cute!

Good luck w/ your show!!!! Thanks for hosting and sending out our squares. Oh I'm so excited!!!! Thanks~

I haven't had time to do any crocheting lately.

It's been a while since I've posted a pic. Let me see. you have the pic on your computer? If you look at the top of the forum page and click upload it will open a page for you to store pics to post. Next you click on choose file and your pics downloaded on your computer should pop up. Click the pic you want to use. Choose the size of file for pics. I think I usually use the website/e-mail size and then hit submit. Or do you use a photo host site like photo bucket?

Let me know how that goes. I have to remember how to get it from there to a post. hahaha!!! Anybody else want to jump. OMG!!! I can't remember. Maybe I'l try to post a pic to go through the motions so I can help ya. I hope that helps.
It felt like my Birthday or X-mas yesterday b/c I received my BEAUTIFUL floral squares.

Thank you everyone!!!!!!
I love them!!!! I want to write more, but I'm on my way out the door for weight training to fight the after 40 FAT, but will post pics later. Just wanted to say THANKS!!!!!

I hope everyone has a blessed day!!!!!

Thanks again Erin for hosting~
It seemed like Christmas to me too yesterday. My blocks are absolutely fabulous. Thank you, everyone and you too Erin for all the time and effort you put into the swap.

Will take photos soon. I'm off to a neighbors that wants me to look after her "farm" for a week while her and her hubby go to a conference.
Do you do swaps twice a year (spring and fall)? Are there other swaps in between? I didn't even realize there was a hobbies portion here until tonight and I'm so bummed I missed it! I just happened to search for some filet crochet patterns on google today and it popped up with a BYC link! I would love to participate in whatever type of swap comes next. Any pictures of projects made with the squares you swapped?

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