Crooked beak??? In 12 week old Silkie


6 Years
Jun 14, 2013
LaFargeville NY
I have a 12 week old Silkie that has a crooked beak. He came from some eBay hatching eggs that my favorite broody hatched. I call him(? Really no clue on gender) "Buddy" because he's always hanging out with me in the yard and I just noticed the other day while I was feeding it's hard to believe he's always had this problem. The beak seems to be aligned, if that makes any sense. I'm concerned this may turn into scissor beak. Is there anything I can do to prevent this from becoming worse?


Not the best pictures.........but I hope everyone can see what I'm talking about. Thanks for taking a look!
I actually just had the same experience with one of my chicks, who is almost 7 weeks. I love this chick and it spend so much time on my lap as well. As it looked at me I noticed its top beak was slightly to the side. I did a lot of research and scissor beak or cross beak is not something you can cure but my understanding is that as long as the chicken can eat well (and sometimes you may have to soften food or given them a deeper bowl or dish to eat/drink from) that they live happy loves as normal chickens.

Mine is mild right now but think it will get worse, not sure how much worse... this based on the fact I never noticed until now, and it was straight before. I think if you just noticed at 12 weeks and its mild that is great usually it shows up 6-10 weeks of age.

I think it its crooked and the chick cannot hone the beak you have to file it with a nail file or clip it to help the chick but other than that nothing can be done... your chick looks like it can hone its own beak though and it looks a good size so must eat well... do the other chickens let it eat or do they pick on it?

I do not know for sure if mine is a roo or pullet but there is a large number of people that suggest its genetic and not to breed the bird but I was not going to anyways,
To my knowledge he eats just fine and I've never seen anyone picking on him. The other day he was having a baby roo stand off with one of his hatch mates and he seemed to be acting submissive, but he held his own for the most part. I didn't really plan on breeding, so that's not a big deal. It's just that he has a great personality and if it would be beneficial to treat or take to a vet I'd do it in a minute.
I feel the same about mine... Actually my guy is quite dominant with other chicks. Mine definitely developedvthis way, not an injury. I called the breeder I bought him from who offered another bird, but I love my Piglet (pictured below). I suggested I take the chick to the very but he insisted its because of the way the skull developed and it was incurable. Hoping my chock continues to eat well. I may file or clip his beak if it becomes troublesome but would take to vet for that, I fear I am to sqeamish

I think you Lil guy looks beautiful

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