Crooked foot


In the Brooder
Feb 27, 2022
I have a buff brahma hen that is almost a year old. When she was approximately 12 weeks I noticed one of her feet was growing crooked and curled in. I figured it was something genetic or perhaps an injury in the coop had caused it and I wasn't sure about how to help her. Now that I am doing more research as she isn't laying and is possibly being picked on by the Rhode island reds I am wondering if anyone could tell me about a way to maybe correct the crooked toes or to help her get along more comfortably.
Yes, let me see what I can do


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Looks like a deformity of the foot. Sadly, you cannot fix it, only surgery probably could and even then, chickens are sensitive to anesthesia and she may not even make it through a hard surgery like that. You can choose to keep her as a house chicken, humanely euthanize or find someone in your area that’s willing to take care of her with her disability.
Looks like a deformity of the foot. Sadly, you cannot fix it, only surgery probably could and even then, chickens are sensitive to anesthesia and she may not even make it through a hard surgery like that. You can choose to keep her as a house chicken, humanely euthanize or find someone in your area that’s willing to take care of her with her disability.
Thank you, we tend to take extra care with her. She tries her hardest to keep up with the rest of the flock, they do leave her behind thou and we always pick her up and take her over to them. She gets extra treats, love, and food from my boys and I too.
My one-year-old Cochin Bantam girl has terribly twisted toes on both feet. I tried to straighten them with cardboard "shoes" and tape when she was a chick, but it didn't work. She has an odd gait, but gets around okay.

Maxie isn't picked on in her own coop, but sometimes becomes a target when all the chickens are out together in the daytime.

Like you, I take extra care with her. She seems to be a generally happy girl and certainly likes the special treats I sneak to her when the others aren't watching.

Another of my Cochin Bantams has had a "deformed" leg since a surgery a couple of years ago to remove a stricture. Sally hops as often as she runs, but she is a fierce little one and doesn't take guff from anybody. "Imperfect birds" can still have good lives, in my opinion, as long as they are not in pain.

I don't know that there's anything else you can do for your girl. except continue to love her.

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