Crop Feeding Sick Hen, Losing Wt, Slow Crop, Liquid from Beak, Wiggling Neck

I called a couple of exotic bird stores in the area, regarding the Baytril/ Enrofloxacin 10%. (Before your suggestion for injectable.)
Ah, yeah, selling something like that out of a store is illegal. Not sure how the online places get away with it. Enrofloxacin is prescription only, but the pigeon and game bird websites have found a way around the law, that or the FDA doesn't have the manpower to deal with them.
The fish mox will be fine. Enrofloxacin injectable is what you should get, and it can be given orally. Fear not, giving injections is easier than tube feeding, so I am 100% sure you'll have no trouble. :D

For the Fish Mox, I don't have a scale for mg. How precise does the measuring need to be?
My timer went off to weigh her right before reading your post. She's 3 lbs., 8 oz. (down an oz. from yesterday) on my kitchen scale.
Okay, so let's round that up to 1.6 kg. If she were mine I would give her one 250 mg capsule twice a day. It's a little more than the 125 mg/kg amout, but I think there are some formularies that say as much as 150 mg/kg can be given.
I would much rather inject than "hope for the best" (ie: that I don't end up wearing part of it) with oral. Subcutaneous? Or do you need to find a vein?
I forgot to mention that you can get nystatin and ketoconazole without a prescription, just google Medistatin and ketoconazole for fish.
medistatinLg.jpg ketoconazole.jpg ketoconazole_1jpg.jpg

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