Crop issue, diarrhea ??? Help please

Also, at what point do I decide she isn’t going to recover? And have her euthanized? I so appreciate all the warms thoughts and advice.
I will try to harden it more. I don’t think she likes it on her beak. I gave some to the others just to see and they gobbled it up so must just be her loss of appetite. She was perkier this morning. Ate a whole scrambled egg over the morning and some apple. I put her outside with the others and it was a bit chilly. She looked miserable all hunched, tail down eyes shut but after bringing back inside she has been more alert. It just keeps going up and down where I think she is going to die and then she is back to life. Confusing. I hope to fatten her up as she is so thin. Do you think I should do anything further for sour crop at this point?
You can treat for sour crop.

I would suspect that she's likely got some type of reproductive problem going on. It's speculation on my part, but I've seen my share of hens hunched like that.
I usually treat crop symptoms, see if I can get them to rally and eat, etc. If they continue to decline or get worse then I put them out of their misery.
You can treat for sour crop.

I would suspect that she's likely got some type of reproductive problem going on. It's speculation on my part, but I've seen my share of hens hunched like that.
I usually treat crop symptoms, see if I can get them to rally and eat, etc. If they continue to decline or get worse then I put them out of their misery.
Can a hen survive with a reproductive issue? I would think she would have died already if laying internally and isn’t egg bound.
Should I go straight to the miconazole treatment? Also how is best to get her to cooperate with administering?
Thank you!!!
Can a hen survive with a reproductive issue? I would think she would have died already if laying internally and isn’t egg bound.
Should I go straight to the miconazole treatment? Also how is best to get her to cooperate with administering?
Thank you!!!
They can live for a while with reproductive issues, it really just depends on what it is. Some can rebound and do ok, others continue to decline.

I would give her the Miconazole if you feel the crop is turning sour.
You can draw the cream up into a syringe and administer that way or see if she'll eat it directly. I've done both.
She was very alert yesterday afternoon and evening and ate with the others and roamed the yard with them. She was almost herself behaviorally. She did eat some bread and egg and bugs my son caught. She will not touch her feed. But her crop was not empty this morning again and sounds gurgly. It’s not super bloated so I’m not going to empty it for her.
I’m going to start miconozole today, I’m thinking. I wish I could get her to eat her feed so I can eliminated treat food and know she is getting enough calories because she is so thin.
You know her comb is quite pale and I’m wondering if I should worm them. She also has a poppy butt as does the other hen. Not the rooster. The others have bright red combs. Could Big Jumper be the only one with worms? Or being this affected by them? What is best worm medication?
I'd try the Miconazole and see how it goes.
You can deworm, possibly they are a contributor to some of her issues as well. A fecal float is always a good idea, but a lot of vets won't do them for chickens.
For deworming, you can use Safeguard (Fenbendazole) or Valbazen (Albendazole).

Safeguard dose is 0.23ml per pound of weight given orally once a day for 5 days in a row.

Valbazen dose is 0.08ml per pound of weight given orally once, then repeated in 10 days.

Try offering her some wet mushy feed, bits of scrambled egg, etc. She may be interested in something like that.

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