Crop question


5 Years
May 17, 2018
I have a 6-month old barred rock pullet with a lumpy crop at bedtime. Not just full -- but large and very squishy. In the morning, it is gone. I've been monitoring for a week and massaging it when I can. This routine seems very regular and very different than the other girls in the flock. She is active, eating, drinking, preening, laying regularly, etc. My girls are on flock raiser crumbles with a side of grit and oyster shell. They get about an hour of free range in the evening. Treats are: (1) scratch to get them back in the run after recess; and (2) a porridge of feed, water, crushed eggshells, sea kelp, a drop of nutridrench and a spoonful of plain greek yogurt most mornings.

It is the size and the squish that have me worried. A full crop should be firm, right? Am I overreacting? Should I order a crop bra? Have I looked at too many pictures of pendulous crop online?

(My family thinks I'm nuts, but I know you guys will understand.....:)


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I'm no expert on crops but from the pic, it does look like she may have a touch of pendulous crop?
Maybe someone else will be along soon who has more experience with crop defects than I.
Best wishes and hope for a speedy recovery! :fl:hugs
I'm no expert on crops but from the pic, it does look like she may have a touch of pendulous crop?
Maybe someone else will be along soon who has more experience with crop defects than I.
Best wishes and hope for a speedy recovery! :fl:hugs

Thank you! It does look very different to me, too, but these are my first pullets -- so what do I know??? I'm hoping for some expert advice!
6-month old barred rock pullet with a lumpy crop at bedtime. Not just full -- but large and very squishy. In the morning, it is gone. I've been monitoring for a week and massaging it when I can.
She is active, eating, drinking, preening, laying regularly, etc.

I would just monitor her since the crop is empty in the morning. It's possible she may develop a pendulous crop and need a bra later on - but I would not put one on her unless the crop stops being empty by morning.

Some chickens the crop seems to be more pronounced and it can be large and squishy just depends on how much she drinks as well. Looks like she is a good eater. I have a little leghorn that looks like she's swallowed a grapefruit every night, but her crop is empty each morning.
I would just monitor her since the crop is empty in the morning. It's possible she may develop a pendulous crop and need a bra later on - but I would not put one on her unless the crop stops being empty by morning.

Some chickens the crop seems to be more pronounced and it can be large and squishy just depends on how much she drinks as well. Looks like she is a good eater. I have a little leghorn that looks like she's swallowed a grapefruit every night, but her crop is empty each morning.

Thanks for the reply! She is the head hen, so she gets first dibs on everything and takes full advantage. As a result, she eats and drinks very well. I will watch her for now and hold off any intervention.

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