Cross Bred Chicken Contest!!!

our boy bo
Here is one of my cross breeds. He is made up of Yokohama, Cubalaya and also has some Thai and Shamo in him. He's right at about the one year mark in age.

The color of this rooster would be considered a blue gold. The shrub in the background is a Chinese viburnum -it is 12 feet tall and equally as wide.
Thank you for the very kind comment. He is pleasing to the eye wherever he finds himself - whether in the pen or free ranging. He also has a great disposition in regard to humans as well as the others in the flock.
Can you by chance host another contest in say, two months? I am hatching mix-breed banties in June. I don't have any crossbreds currently:-( Good Luck to Everyone!!

Bumble Bee the Cream Legbar, 4 months old, hen. As I understand they are considered cross bred and no standard in US yet. ?
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