Cross Bred Chicken Contest!!!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Dec 27, 2014
Send in pictures of your cross bred chickens! They can be any age and any gender. Their will be a 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Contest ends on May 20th 2015 so get those cross breds in!!!
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Bumble Bee the Cream Legbar, 4 months old, hen. As I understand they are considered cross bred and no standard in US yet. ?
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Here's mine! First, a 20-pound Cornish Cross (White Rock/Cornish) cock that has some interesting coloration of his wing feathers. Thinking he might have had some New Hampshire or Red Sex-Link genes or such.

Second, a hen I had that was labeled as a Black Sex-Link. She wouldn't be a standard cross (Barred Rock/Rhode Island Red), but my guess is that she at least contains some Black Australorp or Black Java genes, noting the feathers, eyes, and broad shape, but the comb is too prominent.

And lastly, my hen that is still alive today, also a Black Sex-Link but not the standard hybrid. I don't have any ideas about the genetics, maybe some Delaware or such, due to the white speckling on the neck.


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