Cross Continental Friends!!!

Quackers, I'm sorry I can not figure our time zones in my head at this moment. I wish someone was home that would help me. But there is only me and my peeps and their not telling!
Aren't they little stinkers!
Yup, i just looked it up, N.H is the same time as me, so yes, Nancy, Beth is five hours ahead of us.
Oh, Thanks!
I am getting so frustrated trying to get my pictures up! This is just stupid to me, it's not really a big deal but I, ME, I, want to flaunt them and it is a big deal. I have been told by my boys that there will be no grandkids! So, to me, they are my granimals! I have the peeps sleeping on me right now. Thank heaven I have an old towel on my lap!

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