Cross Continental Friends!!!

Nah it's not a flea market. It's where retailers go to find more companies to buy things from at wholesale I guess you'd call it for us to sell to the consumer. It's for trade customers rather than the customer customer. We placed an order for toiletries today and some lovely cards which I think are actually American. Does that make any sense?

A flea that like a jumble sale/car boot sale thing?
lol had to read that a couple times. i sorta get it i guess. a flea market is somewhere where you sell new or used items for low prices. sometimes you find the weirdest random things there. today i rescued a stray dog. its a pitbull he is so skinny and full of fleas. tomorrow i plan to give him a long bath. he seems to be around 6-8 months hes soooo friendly we named him Nomad and luckily he has no interest in the chickens.
My contribution to Lonely songs,

Sorry guys I've been busy w/ my HH's SIN is in a Cancer Treatment Center w/ stage 4 cancer. She just found out less then 2 weeks ago so I'l l be in and out of this. Beth I'm praying this work out for you! Hi guys hope things are going great for yous! Love and Take Care!
la vita fatta di alti e bassi, ritmi veloci e ritmi lenti, come in un ballo che non finisce mai che il padre possa sempre suggerirti al meglio, e che in quel momento il nostro cervello sia abbastanza aperto per raccoglierne il sapere fai del bene a chi ti ha fatto male e scordatene dormite bene
Yes Beth, a flea market, yard/garage/ or tag sale are like your jumbles. I volunteered for 4 1/2 yr's at our St. Vincent's but these past few year's I have taken some time off so I no longer get any bargain's! Boo Hoo And I don't get to see what was coming in. Towards the end I was in the sorting room and they hated to see me go because I was a fast worker and would get things priced and set for the flea market room faster than most of the woman! That's the knick knack room. We had winter and summer floors and rooms for men, lady's and children and one for book toys and a whole basement for furniture. I really loved it there and I made the most tip money when I was in the flea market room. I would remember what people liked and tried to keep and eye out for them when I saw them in that room. Well! We were in the 40 + degree weather today! It must be very expensive to live in London England I would think. I watched a background of Sherlock Holmes and they showed so many views of the city! OMG It must be the same for your bigger cities also hu everyone?! I live in a village and older places are cheaper unless their historic pieces. But nothing is like the good old days, right!
My Sebastopol goose must be getting ready for her eggs! We had to put the gate up to keep the Pekin Drakes away from her, cuz he's not liking them around her right now. I've been keeping and eye out I in case there are eggs in her nest. But I don't see her making a nest either. Does anyone know about them. This is my first winter with them. Take care, I'll shut up now!
le oche sono abituate a fare le uova in luoghi nascosti, tra il fieno o la paglia, per poi coprirle sino al momento in cui non desiderano covarle in mancanza di un oca maschio, possono essere accoppiate anche con le anatre mute, gli incroci che verranno a nascere, i mulard, sono ibridi sterili molto veloci nella crescita e dalla carne pregiata, molto ricercati in Francia oggi ho avuto tempo di fare qualche fotografia giovane galletto per il mio progetto di Madagascar
Blue (da ba dee)
chioccia con alcuni pulcini
Dove osano le aquile (Where eagles dare)
Sagrin (Sug-reen=trouble)
Jolanda la pelandra (CAUTION: brood at work)
Hi Bill, yes life is certainly like a dance. My brain is never quiet! Lovely birds you have there :)

Aww good on you for taking innate stray dog faith. Love the name you chose too! Ah yeah ok then yeah so fleas are like our jumbles. Wish I went to one of those instead, least I would have had something to show for my day traipsing around!!

Hey Nancy, thanks for your thoughts. Who has cancer? I don't understand all these abbreviations, I'm old :p x x

How are we all on this saturday?

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