Cross Continental Friends!!!

Well, it's the new year and it seems everybody had gone. I'll keep an eye open to see if anyone comes back to us! Fingers are crossed this site doesn't shut down and I'm the last post!
Mi siete mancati

purtroppo, il tempo per scrivere è molto poco

se non ci dovessimo più incrociare, vi auguro un buon proseguimento
i think everything will turn out well. as long as i just live and not worry about the future. i think i will make some sort of blog or video "vlog" on youtube im not sure one or the other or both. we will see, but i hope to stay in touch with you guys.
Somehow time has sped past in a hellfire hurry! My parents have become officially old with the appropriate old people issues. My daughter will be 18 in March, graduating high school in June, and off to college in the fall.
I'm trying to simplify my life, fewer critters, but I love them so! I'm sort of stuck in place. My parents need me more and more but they live 4 hours away and we need income to pay for La Niña Linda's college and I've got a job to pay for her college and on and on.
On a positive note, we are off to Costa Rica for two weeks in February, paid for by my in laws. And we are spending about a month in Europe this next summer, a graduation gift to La Niña Linda.
And my Barnevelders are doing great and my husband is the best.

I have one more angora doe coming in soon! I can't wait! I'd like to have her be with my big boy (Chaz in gold) to have a litter before I have him mate my other registed angora Mitzi. The other white one you can see. She was born in July and they should not have a litter til their 1 year old. So I'll have some experiece having the non-registed doe have a litter 1st.

Hi you guys! It's good to hear from you! Bill has blocked me off from posting cuz I was going to say Hi to him the other day! That's how I found out. Linda it's great to hear from you! It's been quite a while! I hope things are going well for you. Hay Ugly Duckie, where are you now and are you working? My hubby id going to get his 1st social security check next week! He's been laid off since 1/18/14 working his old job 1 weekend day a week but he doesn't know how long that will be (it's been going on for a year now). His unemployment money is almost done so working the way he is has been a big help. Thank heaven his old bosses still need his help and are willing to bring him in. But they also don't want to work weekends lol.
My sil won't be lasting to much longer. Maybe a few more months. She can't walk and sitting up doesn't last to long, it's had on her back; But in Nov. the Dr. said she had only a few days left and a few days after he said that she woke up asking why she was there and was almost her old self! So we've had her for a few more months than he expected! So we're pretty lucky for that!

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