Crossbeak: Top beak, bottom beak, and now a middle beak!!!


In the Brooder
10 Years
Feb 19, 2009
My little 3 month old Amercauna looked normal as a chick, slowly developing a severe offset lower beak and a severe hooked top beak. Her lower beak has now become pretty much tubular shaped. She can't eat anything except crumbles, can't pick up scratch, treats, etc. But, now she is developing what seems to be another lower beak that is above her offset lower beak. It is very strange, sometimes it is visible with over 1/4 inch showing there above the lower beak, and other times it seems to be retracted somehow and not sticking out. It's not her tongue, I can get a good look at the tongue when she is trying to eat (frequently) she keeps flicking the tongue in and out and it looks to be pink, pointed, and healthy. She's very friendly, always trying to get to my shoulder at every opportunity, and is quite a bit smaller than the other 6 birds of the same age that she's being raised with. Doesn't seem to be suffering at all, just pitiful. Any ideas about what this new disappearing "beak" could be? It does seem to be getting bigger. Ed
Oh that's you have pics? I had an orp that had a huge lower beak and I took my sanding tool and sanded it off. He was very good about it. Now they are the same size
He was having trouble eating before. Pictures would be helpful in helping you too...maybe someone may have an idea of how to help. Good luck!

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