Crossed Roosts- Asking For Pooed-on Birds?


8 Years
Sep 12, 2011
Hi everyone! I am trying to put enough roost space in my new coop while leaving enough floor space open for the birds to fly down in the morning. I just put up a roost that is higher than the two others and crosses over them, but now I am standing back scratching my head, wondering if I am going to wind up with a bunch of crapped-on hens? Thoughts?
My guess is yes you will have hens with poopy backs.

I might suggest designing something so hens can't sit under the higher roosts.
I have a similar design issue going on in my brooder area for my newest flock. I tacked up a few roost bars for them to get used to climbing around on them when they were little. Now that they are about 5-6 weeks old and off the heat lamp they have begun roosting on the highest bar at night now. They all get up on the same one so pooping on each other hasn't been a problem. Mine is set up for babies at the moment so I will be reconfiguring this area shortly to accommodate their growth. But in the end no one has pooped on each other.

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