Crossing a Giant Cochin with a Black Maran?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Sep 22, 2011
Whidbey Island, WA
We have 4 Black Marans, 3 Barred Rocks, and 1 RIR, and we were thinking of breeding for more egglayers. It is cool where I live, most of the year and doesn't really get above 80. I also have younger children and would like a roo that I could feel comfortable having the kids around. If I bred a Cochin roo with my Maran, could I get a cool hardy dependable egglayer from the resulting hens? Or is that just wishful thinking? Also, what about the BR's and RIR with a Cochin roo, anyone have any experience with these mixed breeds?
I'd suggest Wyandottes. They're generally better layers than Cochins, and they have Strawbery combs, which have little heat dissipation, and therefore increasing hardiness. Cochins, however, have gigantic single combs, with which they loose heat. Crossing Wyandottes with Marans would, in my mind, be a better idea for your goals.
Are Wyandotte roos as easy going as Cochin roos? This is big factor in the choice also, as I have a 3 and 4 year old (children) and our hens are completely freeranged on our property. Also the weather rarely dips below freezing, and usually hover in the low 40's in winter. We are in the Puget Sound.

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