Cruel disposal of unwanted chicks?

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Sadness, all I can say is that when I order chicks, I order males for my girls.
Though --I wish they'd cull off the chicks more humanly if that's 100% necessary.
You say "if necessary"-what alternative would you offer?

Sadness, all I can say is that when I order chicks, I order males for my girls.
Though --I wish they'd cull off the chicks more humanly if that's 100% necessary.
I've seen it, that video has been floating around for a while now. You dont even know what country, year, or facility it is even in. Personally, sure its a horrible way to die but it is what it is. Like someone else said, I'm also getting a fry pan special so at least some roo's will have a happy life until I butcher them.
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its true about ground up chick roos alive and used in animal feed

well pig feed

so if you love Chicks stop eating those filthy pigs
oh btw im off to germany to get me some beilefelder's

they are awsome chicken and look like they are a Rhodebar and Legbar cross

well cool

greenfire farms well done and keep up the good work i hope you successed in your plans

unfortunatly only half possible in UK as Caponising and pinioning is illegal
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I am with Oregon Blues & EweSheep on this one, there is definitely the smell of agenda behind this one. PETA/HSUS/M4A etc have veganism in mind for all of us regardless of our wishes personally. Moving and graphic stories/videos do wonders to bring emotional responses to the fore that could result in action. Unfortunately, there is always unintended consequences to those actions that go far deeper than the immediacy of the emotion.Horse are just one example. The market exerts forces on the producers and, last I heard, you need to be paid for your job. I do use the fry pan special for just that reason, pretty good and decent size in about 7 months. Still leaves a lot of birds that must be dealt with. Probably a good mention about PETA, we all would like to know who footed the bill behind PSAs. This one is Mercy For Animals, another vegan/AR group.

If they don't show these films it doesn't pull at your heart strings and you will not open your checkbook.
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