Crunching like sound coming from inside of sick duck?

My guess as a former Vet Tech is lower respiratory infection (in the lungs). Or maybe lots of hard objects in her crop or stomach. An x-ray at the Vet's office will tell for sure.
It might be an egg breaking up inside her in which case she will probably develope an infection and die. If it was more or less constant it could be a respotory (sp) like others have suggested.
My Saxony Runner drake, William, gets 'weak in the legs' and goes down until he can't get up whenever he gets stressed (and scoots with his wings trying to get away). Like with yours, I pick him up, his legs go like crazy, I put him down closer to his pen and he runs like crazy. It used to worry me, but it's been going on for close to two years. Dave mentions somewhere in his book that the Runners will collapse (or their legs will give out) when they are scared or stressed sometimes. Hopefully she's just got a digestive thing going on which will pass and she'll get back to normal. Keep us posted.

The other thing about William that used to really worry me, was when he'd get his wet feather thing going and I would put him indoors to help him dry off, his little heart would would beat so hard it sounded like a drum. It was soooo loud, I was afraid it would kill him. I wonder if they have something about their physical makeup that makes them amplify sounds coming from their insides.
It might be an egg breaking up inside her in which case she will probably develope an infection and die. If it was more or less constant it could be a respotory (sp) like others have suggested.

goosedragon, that was my first thought and it scares the heck out of me. I know that sooner or later I will end up having to deal with something like this, but I'm not ready... I will be ready if I have to be though, it's just not a happy prospect.
My Saxony Runner drake, William, gets 'weak in the legs' and goes down until he can't get up whenever he gets stressed (and scoots with his wings trying to get away). Like with yours, I pick him up, his legs go like crazy, I put him down closer to his pen and he runs like crazy. It used to worry me, but it's been going on for close to two years. Dave mentions somewhere in his book that the Runners will collapse (or their legs will give out) when they are scared or stressed sometimes. Hopefully she's just got a digestive thing going on which will pass and she'll get back to normal. Keep us posted.

The other thing about William that used to really worry me, was when he'd get his wet feather thing going and I would put him indoors to help him dry off, his little heart would would beat so hard it sounded like a drum. It was soooo loud, I was afraid it would kill him. I wonder if they have something about their physical makeup that makes them amplify sounds coming from their insides.

Yes, the drumming heart made me feel so bad. I was so afraid I was making it worse for her.

I haven't brought her out yet, still getting kiddo off to school and want to get the cats out of the house. I'm going to make a pen in the living room and open the crate and see what happens. I'll keep this thread updated through the day.

Thank you everyone who has replied.
I just took my duck to the vet for the same thing Friday. She couldn't walk and was making grumbling noises and would only poop after you moved her. Vet took Xrays and she has five to eight 1/2" pebbles inside her. they did one more Xray with something to see her intestinal tract and determined that it isn't fully blocking. It is extremely painful for them I suggest you take her to the vet. Now I have to give my duck two shots twice daily and an oral medication twice daily for two weeks. one for the pain and the others to stimulate her GI movement.

The vet said to keep her inside and stay warm as that will help with healing. I would suggest giving your ducks warm baths every day, mine really enjoys that and will dive for peas. The only thing I can get her to eat right now is a bowl or water mixed with peas and corn. no interest in her regular food. Good luck.
What kind of medications were you given and what are they for?

I let her come out on her own this morning and she went straight for her feed. She wanted to escape afterward so I've run her a warm bath and she's seem to have mellowed in the water... doing regular duck stuff. The grinding/clunking sound in her gut still concerns me. It is LOUD.

The good news is she dropped a beautiful perfect egg in the bathtub, so our fear of her being eggbound or having a broken egg in her has been put to ease.

Last night when I had her out she gave a nice large squirt on the wood floors before tumbling down the stairs. We checked it out thoroughly of course
There didn't seem to be a lot of substance (they look different when they splat compared to when there's less distance... lol) there was some solids to it though. The next one she put in my lap and it must have been one of those "seventh poos" where she released all the yuck... you know the ones, they stink to high heaven (cecal cleaning maybe?). Looking through the carrier I don't see much in the way of poop, I'll take the lid off for a closer inspection. She had one in the bathtub and it was pretty wet... not sure if it was lots of mucus or if that's just part of the uric acid. I have her in the bathroom now so I'll keep looking.

I never would have thought I would know so much about duck poop. Sheesh.
Rainplace, I hope your duck to overcome this trouble. I am sorry, but I don't have such experience to help you
How is the duck doing? Did you try peas and corn in water? I will give you the names of the medication I am giving my duck tonight when I get home. Today is the first day Samson has been standing and actualy walking! She is getting better, although I have yet to find any rocks in the tub... Her appetite has returned - atleast for peas and corn. Please let us know how your duck is doing.

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