Crushed quartzite grit for drakes?


Jun 17, 2023
I bought crushed quartzite grit for my ducks to be sure they're getting an adequate amount in case they don't get enough during their full days of free range buf read its also a source of calcium so should it not be offered to my drakes? If not what do I give them? I ordered it online and looking at the back it says for grower and layer chickens, strong eggshells , consistent eggs, strong bones, etc so not sure if my drakes can have it as they calcium intake cant be too high. My girls get oyster flakes and crushed eggshells. Need something that they can all use as grit.
Will the drakes attempt to eat the quartzite as grit or stay away from it like they do the oyster shells and egg shells
Not to worry. There is only a trace of calcium carbonate in quartzite if any at all.
He may get sufficient grit from foraging but it never hurts to provide it.
I figured he'd get a good amount as much as they're out and about but wanted to provide some anyway just in case and also winter is right around the corner so want to make sure to have something that can be used for both my boys and girls for the season

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