Crying... everything is dead. UPDATE POST #54

Oh yea.. she did.

As to the "as to the pets expense".. couldn't prove that part, no cameras were inside at that time, only outside. But when you're told oh that hole in the wall.... "your dog ran into the wall" hmm don't think so. I think she had help.
The door was closed when we left. And maybe, but the owner could have just opened the door to get the dog. It was latched not locked. The chickens hung out at the door if someone came, hoping to be let out. If they opened the door first they all would have ran out.

My three survivors wont come off the roost or let me hold them. I have never heard a guinea so quiet.
I am so sorry!

Personally, I vote for a pair (or 3) of large dogs. Killing for sport. A raccoon kills to eat. Most predators kill to eat I wondered whether your last 3 might be alive - glad they are. And I am sorry for your loss. I have privacy fence around my yard, chainlink inside. And since a neighbor put my cat under my house via the crawlspace in my backyard, then lied about it, a decent lock on my gate. And a loaded gun.

One of my neighbors used to let her dogs loose. She's a nice lady, too old to walk them, and feels bad having them fenced 24/7. They can't get in my backyard but can get on my corner "garden" lot and chase the feral cats I feed.

I fenced the back half of that privacy this year, but the front is split rail per city rules, and 2 ft at the corner. Low. So at her garage sale, as my other neighbor was telling me about a coyote ruckus near my lot, I told him that I NEVER let my dogs on my lot, and if he sees a coyote or a dog there, he is welcome to shoot it.

Haven't seen her dogs loose since.

So sorry for your loss! I've had it happen to me too about 1-1/2 years ago. I use to let my Buff Orpingtons out in the front of my yard where they could go into the wooded section for great bugs and stuff. They loved it. Then one day the phone rang and I stepped inside my house to answer it. I was inside only 15 minutes and when I came back out there were dead bodies all over my front acreage. Then I went into the coop where I had about 22 pullets that were in their pen. The Pitt Bull had put his head litterally through the hard cloth wire and pulled the whole bottom of the coop down (my coops are off of the ground) I don't think I've ever felt so many emotions at once!!!! I called the law and had them come out and see the slaughter before I cleaned it up....I took pictures of all the damage and the dead birds....I also filed a complaint about the dogs. I was able to see the two dogs run off through the woods when I turned after seeing my birds. I had seen the dogs in the neigborhood several times, but didn't know who they actually belonged to. The officer told me that he would file the report and to find out who owned the dogs and I could take them to small claims court. Well, I sent word out through the grapevine that if I ever saw a stray dog in my yard was a DEAD DOG WALKING! Word got out that I had filed a complaint and had a description of the dogs that did it. I guess a week went by and the people who owned those 2 dogs suddenly moved out. I wasn't upset to SEE THEM GO!

Now.....I have heavy wooden coops with locks on them and I have a no-climb horse fence around my chicken coops (I have several). Then I have cameras mounted all over my property to take pictures of everything coming and going. Just in case a person decides to come onto my property as well! I'm locked in like Fort Knox now. I also have a sign on my gate that says: "Do you believe in Life After Death? Cross this fence and find out!" It has a picture of my doberman on the sign showing ALL HIS PEARLY WHITES....LOL And just for added measure......ya'll may laugh at me here....I have a baby monitor in my main coop so I can hear my chickens if they get upset about anything.....LOL Worse than having babies....LOL But, I LOVE MY CHICKENS! I keep my dogs confined to my property and I expect everybody else to do the same!
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I'm so sorry for your loss, but am glad you found 3 survivors.

I can't figure out why someone would cut a whole in your fence, when all they had to do was open the door if they wanted in or to let the chickens out. Are you sure a small animal didn't use his sharp teeth to cut the whole neatly? Maybe there were 2 attacks - a smaller animal that let himself in, which freaked out the chickens and caused some of them to escape, and the racket may have attracted a dog or coyote?

We had a coyote attack and it surprised me how much like a dog that coyote behaved. I was home at the time and finally noticed the commotion outside. I ran outside to find a coyote with a chicken in its mouth and my dogs standing back barking at it (my dogs are also friends with the chickens). I ran towards the coyote waving my arms. It dropped the chicken he was holding and she ran for her life. Thankfully, that chicken was saved, but I discovered the coyote had already killed 4 others - 2 were inside their pen and 2 were in the yard. I think he would have killed the whole flock if I hadn't stopped him.
I've been thinking about that hole that was cut... And I wanted to say- My dog was able to chew a hole in our chicken wire. I wondered if maybe it was a chew kind of a hole or a cut kind of a hole. Maybe you could tell the difference?

Just a thought. I've been running that threw my mind since I read this thread. It's so weird. And sad.
Totally weird.

The hole was big enough for me to climb through and was pretty neat. No slobber, blood or fur around it too. Wire ends snipped or very clean.

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