CT Chickenstock-2009

just reposting so the date and times are closer to the recent posts.

finally found the post again. wow, this thread is long!!
just reposting so the date and times are closer to the recent posts.

finally found the post again. wow, this thread is long!!

when in doubt, see page 1, first post, no wading required!
oh well if you have those i just might need to get some lol I am in love with show girls, do you have a pic of the roo and hens?

oh and I have been collecting quail eggs since yesterday should have a decent amount
IT might be about only 6 or so. i have a couple of orders to fill. but should be cought up by thursady. so whats layed between friday and sunday morning i will bring.
And Ameraucana ee eggs.
and whaeton old english game bantam eggs

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