Cubalaya Thread For Sharing Pics and Discussing Our Birds

There is a video on You Tube that shows birds with real Cubalaya breed type and character. You'd never confuse them with anything else. Fun to see. What are your original lines? I know the Baylisses sent at least a few birds out that way in years past and wondered if any of that might have made it's way into the genetics of your own flock. Cannot remember a name but at least one party did continue with them for a while. What was interesting about Linda's birds is the instant they started to grow pinfeathers for a tail you needn't check toe punches to see which were Bayliss and which were something else if working with more than one line. Those Bayliss birds had that little tail tucked right underneath them from day one. As bad as a shamed dog but you sure knew who was who.
I have noticed that with Bayliss birds as well. There are other strains where the females don't drop their tails until after the moult between being pullets and hens.

Another difference between the Schmudde based birds and the other strains is the manner in which the cocks tails appear. In Schmudde based birds it just sort of falls off. Not sure how to describe it otherwise. Lots of feathers, but it falls like a horses mane. Other strains are also held below the horizontal but the tail travels out from the body in a gradual decline giving the impression of being longer. It is a more graceful look in my opinion.
if you are talking about the flock of cubalayas on grass in front of an almond orchard (in blossom) those would be mine
That'd be them.
Any ideas of what lines might be back behind them? I'm always interested in how those things work out.
I bugged you a while back.

If I can afford one I was looking for a roo anyway.

I don't think I saw it mentioned on this thread, but was wondering if roos need to be separated or can they be housed together?

Trying to learn, but I keep backing off of the posts and not asking as much as I'd like.
Generally you can keep the cocks together. I keep them all together except when they are in breeding pens. There will always be exceptions, however. I have not personally had problems with them fighting each other.
I have two roos I can't pen together. One is an AM and the other is BLP, go figure. Everyone else gets along fine in the gentleman's quarters.

Cubakid could you pm me with prices so I can see if I can actually do this?

Oh I do have Game roo that of course is on his own.
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I meant to say "Cubalaya cocks" .
I assume BLP is some sort of Polish? What is AM? Apologies,I'm not much of an abbreviations guy. If you have "normal" breeds, the Cubalayas will usually consider themselves dominant. I have either bantams, very docile breeds, or the Cubalayas, so, it all works fine for me. Also, I don't just introduce new adult males, all my males were born and raised here, so, they grow up together, and learn who the boss is that way.

Please be patient with CubaKid. I have no doubt you will get a response at some point. They may not have anything this time of year, I know I don't. Everything at their place is excellent quality.
Buff laced Polish and Ameraucanas. Most of my other roos are fine together although they were raised together,

I have no problem with separate quarters, but wondered if I would have to separate later if I was able to build up a pair or trio.

Right now I would like to get a roo to put over my Games. For anyone who does this, are the roos more agressive like a Game or are they able to be kept together or does it just depend as usual the individual??

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