Cuckoo Marans Eggs - GA - $22 including postage

The Monkey Mama

11 Years
Jun 12, 2008
Kennesaw, GA
I have one dozen Cuckoo Marans eggs ready to ship tomorrow [Monday] for $22 postage paid.

With our flock, I have paid particular attention to temperament. My chickens are all raised as pets and are handled very frequently by both myself and my young children. I do not tolerate a mean bird – at all.

I also breed for the look of the birds – so that they meet the Standard of Perfection for their breed. You will find no yellow legs or other imperfections in my birds.

I have sold and given away dozens of Cuckoo Marans that didn’t “meet the requirements” during my extensive search for the high quality breeding stock that I presently have.

My rooster is a gentle giant – he is large but very sweet, and, actually, very quiet for a Rooster. He is in with 4 beautiful hens that he takes care of. He is quite active with his hens and I am I am getting 100% fertility on these eggs [I hatch them out myself as well as selling them on eBay].

My birds are all unrelated and they all come from high quality breeder stock – I bought these chickens as eggs from reputable breeders and hatched them myself. NO HATCHERY STOCK.

They are great layers of pretty chocolate brown eggs.

You can see more pictures of my Cuckoo Marans on my blog:


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