Cuckoo Marans from Gina


In the Brooder
12 Years
Sep 20, 2007
Tennessee City
If any of you were lucky enough to get on Gina's list for her maranas you are going to be very pleased. Mine got here yesterday I got 2 doz from her and they are beautiful. These are the darkest eggs I have ever seen I will try to post pics on my site and you can click on the link. Get this, after I unpacked the eggs I used the box to throw away the packing and it all would not fit back in the box without even the eggs in it. That says a lot on how she packed these eggs. I just wanted to write and brag on this girl, GREAT JOB !!
They are in the bator now so hopefully in a few weeks I will have my own Cuckoo Maranas. Thanks, Gina

Brian Young

Overall this is a good place to buy eggs to hatch. It is VERY rare to ever hear anything but good feedback about people here. Much safer than the auction sights overall.

I enjoy hearing about good marans. So many misrepresentations out there right now because of the price they command.

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