Cuckoo Marans Roo or Pullet?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Dec 10, 2012

I am wondering if this is a roo or pullet? Picture was taken at 5 wks, I was thinking comb was large for a pullet and coloring is light, but now at 6 wks comb has not changed much and is not getting red. I am new at this and will need to advertise if it is a roo, I am falling for all my chickens and the sooner I get someone to take the roos the better. Thanks for any advise.
I think it's a rooster. But you cannot be sure until it either lays an egg or crows, I've heard of hens looking totally like roosters and then suddenly the "rooster" lays an egg. Usually you'll be able to tell from his/her behaviour too, but again this is a matter of subjective judgement. Follow your guts :)

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