Culled my first tonight


8 Years
My son's father came over and helped me cull my first rooster tonight.

Thanks to all your wonderful tutorials it went very smoothly! Thank you so much all of you!! Within 30 mins I had one cleaned and dressed bird sitting in my fridge. Believe me, if I can do this anyone can. My little roos are banty crosses. The guy looks like a large game hen. Perfect for me and my 4 yr old son.

Thanks again guys!
nice job! you get a
Good 4 U.

Not my first time but my turn is coming Saturday, got about 30 of them critters to butcher. I'll have plenty of help though.
I think that's what makes the difference. My son's father is quite experienced ans so it was very easy with him to help! Well at least technically easy, ending a life is never easy. This boys were raised for this purpose, and I did not name them or allow myself to make pets of them -- as hard as that is it made culling MUCH easier.

Hope your experience goes as well as mine!

And thanks for all the comments!


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