Culling a chick??

That is sooooooo sad. I'm really sorry Nicole, I've been following Crip's story and hoping she'd make it. You really did all you could do for her. I hope there is some comfort in that.
Awww, what a hard decision to make. I just asked you how your babies were in another, please know I posted that BEFORE I read this.

Anything you do that is fast will be the most humane. Either way, I'd have my husband do it too.

When my dogs find a dead mouse I have to get them away from it before they roll in it, EW. Sometimes it'll be alive but with it's back legs just breaks my heart to see even a dumb mouse trying to crawl away, dragging it's back legs. A few weeks ago this happened and I didn't want it to suffer. I picked up a wide, heavy rock, stood up on something and just dropped it on the critter. It covered it's body so I didn't have to see it afterward. For me, I think that would be the hardest thing
I'm so sorry! I've been following this story and know how hard it is to make this decision. Carbon dioxide or barbiturate/anesthetic overdose are the cleanest and [IMHO] least painful methods to cull her. If you have the means to do so, consult your vet and see what she/he suggests. My heart SOO goes out to you and your family. /tear

oh my god. Cut its head off??? NO!!!! Just cut a hole in a shoe box and attach it to your [exhaust] pipe on your car.. start it and she will fall asleep

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I guess the best way would be to take it to the vet and have it euthanized. On chicks that little they use a tiny needle and it's an overdose of an anesthetic and it really does just fall to sleep. surely the vet wouldn't charge you much to do that. My vet has never charged me when I couldn't do it myself in the beginning.
I'm so sorry Crips isn't going to make it.

There is no easy way to cull a baby chick, they are all emotionally difficult.

We would normally hold it in one hand, and quickly break its neck with the other. There's little struggle from the chick, you don't have to deal with cutting off its head or slicing through the neck bone. The chick is whole for burying. The bad part is, you're using your hands and it seems personal, but IMO all culling seems personal.

My heart goes out to you. Please take solace in that you did everything you could to save Crips, and you made her time on Earth as pleasant as possible. Some chicks just don't make it, and all we can do is our best to make their time comfortable.
I would NOT hook a chamber up to the exhaust pipe of your car. There are way too many pollutants and irritants aside from CO2 to make it humane. According to the AVMA Guidlines on Euthanasia, CO2 IS a humane form of euthanasia for birds, but should be done in a chamber with pure CO2 injected into it. Other humane methods include cervical dislocation, maceration, and crushing the brain.

Freezing definitely is NOT a humane mode of euthanasia for any animal, cold blooded or not. Even with fish it's a slow and excruciating experience, use pure clove oil in water for fish.

Sorry you have to go through this, but make sure the little chick doesn't have to suffer on it's way out. Good luck with whatever you choose!

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