Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry! I hope he's doing ok!

He will be okay once he has surgery. When he is ready to leave the hospital he will be transferred to Solaris Health Care. He will stay there until he is able to get himself up and around. There is no way I can help him get up if he falls. He had a stroke a year ago in May. He has some residual on the left side.
My husband was up around 0200 and fell in the kitchen and has a fractured right femur. He was taken by ambulance to Shands University Hospital in Gainesville, Florida. I will go see him today.
Omg, that's awful! That is the hospital where my Dad had his open heart surgery. Hugs to both of you.
Yikes! Is it Wednesday already? I sure don't know where the last two days went. Could it be because DH retired this week??? All of my time on BYC is being spent on newbies and I'm not keeping up with that! :lol:

Fresh pot of coffee is on. I'm off to say hello to a few folks. :caf

Congrats to your husband on the retirement Val...guess that means coop building will begin in the near future!

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