Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

I would separate it and direct dose nutri-drench for starters. I would also find something to feed it that it can eat, and get a dropper to give it water. But, that's me. I wouldn't give up on a chick until I have to. Others are more comfortable with just letting them go. You need to decide what lengths you would go to for yours. :love

Thanks for the help! She will eat and drink on her own and I made her some mash separately and she ate that as well. But she still just kind of mopes around. I'm going to figure out something to separate her!
Shes doing okay, not the greatest. She will drink but won't eat now. I found someone who has nutri drench so I'm getting that tonight. Hoping she makes it through the night :fl Makes you feel terrible when there isn't much else you can do!
I know. That's rough. You are doing everything you can, and that's all you can do. Water is the most important thing. You could try a little bit of boiled or scrambled egg. Wishing right along with you!!! :fl
Good morning everyone! Thanks for the coffee, Debby! That hits the spot!

We tried some PVC feeders and pvc fixtures on a 5 gallon bucket, but must not have the right configuration because we had problems with the feed getting hung up in there. Would love to see what eventually works for you.
Did you try a chicknic table?
I haven't called yet! They have a 48 hour live guarantee so I just need to report during that time frame. Unfortunately, I have one chick that is being picked on and is pretty lethargic right now so I'm kind of waiting it out to see if that one lives ):

Do you or anyone else have any suggestions to help it? I'm hoping it's just from being worn out from shipping but all the other run around etc so I'm a little concerned. I'll post pictures of it!View attachment 2164702
The peck at its beak and seems to be pushed around by the other chicks :hmm
View attachment 2164703
This is the chick now. It will lift its head and open its eyes but just go right back to sleeping. It hasn't come out since I put it under there.

It did eat and drink earlier. I also put electrolytes in their water
Blue food color on the beak. Scrambled or boiled mashed up egg for all of them . They will pick on others less if they are full.

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