Cure for ongoing scaly leg problem!


7 Years
Mar 6, 2012
Yorkshire, England
Hi all,

For the last few months I have been struggling to deal with an on going problem of scaly leg in all my chickens, some have it worse than others but it doesn't seem to want to budge!

I have tried my best to spray them with scaly leg spray every 5-6 days (as instructed on spray instructions).

Also the product is expensive when you have 40 chickens and £10 a bottle soon goes.

Please can someone offer some advice on how to eradicate this problem.


Scaly leg mites can take a long time to get rid of, but you must also clean out and spray the coop. Vaseline petroleum jelly or castor oil thoroughly rubbed into the scales once a week should take care of the problem. Many types of oil can be used, but those 2 will stay on for long periods.
I have dealt with this a few times.

What works for me is mineral oil (veg oil will work), dip daily at first and then every other day if possible for at least two weeks because of the life cycle of the mite. So smother them with the oil and the scales should start going back down. If it is a severe problem and the scales are highly damaged (they can lose feet and toes from this...actually they self-amputate so important to treat!) you can gently take a toothbrush and brush them a bit but don't do it too much. Some soak in Epsom salts before the brushing.

Ivermectin - since you are across the pond- works on SLM I have read, and your vets may still be able to prescribe it (in the US I believe they cannot).

But truly- the mineral oil works wonders. I have had to go longer than two weeks before but it always does work eventually and their scales come back down. If you have a large flock I have read about putting a pan of mineral oil at the entrance to the coop so they have to step in it LOL.
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Ok thanks for the help guys :) will try it out. One question though, should I still be applying the scaly leg product while dipping them in the oil? Or should I spray them first and then dip them?

Ok thanks for the help guys :) will try it out. One question though, should I still be applying the scaly leg product while dipping them in the oil? Or should I spray them first and then dip them?

The oil smothers them so that is the treatment. But you can use the second treatment too if you want.

Eggcessive is right- I forgot to mention that is it good to treat your coop and get rid of the litter as well (with some kind of poultry dust or spray). Thanks Eggcessive!

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