Cured my Drake from Asprigillis


Jul 13, 2021
Back in May, Gus my Indian Runner was diagnosed with Asprigillis. His lower lungs were infected. He made no sound and barely ate. This came on very quickly.
The vet wanted to do weekly x-rays($170.00 each) along with meds.
I am on a fixed income and could not afford this. The vet recommended I put him down. While I was waiting for the paper work and kill shot. Gus wrapped his neck around mine & I heard in my head" Mom if you'll fight I will." So we did. For 6 weeks.
I threw the herbal kitchen sink at him. I powdered oatmeal and added Echinacea, ginger, garlic, papaya, Drench, an herbal blend called Clear Lungs,with enzymes. Put it in a syringe with the end cut off & fed him every 2 hours. Mixed power shots of liquid oregano, olive leaf, ashwaga, and colloidal silver.
After 3 weeks he started squawking very lightly. 4 weeks I let him rejoin the girls. At that time he was trying to copulate,but still weak. But he was eating on his own, and foraging. Soon after his squawks got louder. Weeks 5 & 6 I only gave the power shots, but he was resisting & trying to bite. Which he never does, so sweet, my Gus.
I just got the money to get another x-ray and my Gus is clear. That is why I am so late to post this. BTW we have a new vet, who will work with you & thinks using herbs is good.
So do not despair if your duck is sick. Use common sense, and research. It saved my sweet boy.
Hurray for Gus! He's lucky to have such a dedicated, amazing person who loves him and vice versa. What a wonderfully uplifting tale of perseverance and caring!

I LOVE that Gus wrapped his neck around yours. None of my runners is nearly that affectionate. He must be very special.

And, kudos to finding the right vet for you and yours. Long live Gus!
Hurray for Gus! He's lucky to have such a dedicated, amazing person who loves him and vice versa. What a wonderfully uplifting tale of perseverance and caring!

I LOVE that Gus wrapped his neck around yours. None of my runners is nearly that affectionate. He must be very special.

And, kudos to finding the right vet for you and yours. Long live Gus!
Thank you. I raised my 3 runners on the back porch. I try to be pretty hands on with them. I have 4 new babies on the porch now, starting their 4th week. They know their names, and will look at you when you call them by name.
I know some folks don't agree with handling ducklings too much. But so far it has worked for me.

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