Curiosity has the best of me - Vegetarians.

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Just as you can Google for pro-veggie information, you can Google for warnings about vegetarianism:

Here's a quotation from a famous writer that rings a bell with me:

I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them.
- Ian Fleming

One day I shall die unless, in the meantime, a Google search reveals the secret of everlasting life. Imagine that! One day you're locked up by the diet police for life because you ate lobster and then discover that you're immortal. One day, as I was saying, my heart will give in, my arteries will clog, I'll get a dread disease, I'll have a fatal accident or I'll go loopy. However, I've survived quite a few decades now and am still in reasonable shape without ever having a health fetish. When I was a kid, food was rationed. There just wasn't much around. We made do with what was available within the limits of the rationing programme and income. The government tried to give kids something a bit better and issued concentrated orange juice and powdered milk to mothers. Schoolchildren were given free milk. When things got better, we were urged to eat and drink plenty of dairy products. We drank Coke and ate all kinds of sugary confectionery. Oldies everywhere could add their own examples to the list. None of that has yet killed me but, one day, something will. Having got this far, I won't waste time worrying whether the next bacon butty will be my last.

Try mayo with your bacon butty by the way.
See.. i dont believe that either...
Folks have been eating meat since the beginning of time... theres a reason for that...
My grandmother and her mother and both of her sisters... ALL lived to be 94-95 yrs old...Guess what they ate all their lives? They lived on a farm.. they ate real butter, drank real full fat milk from their cows... they ate their fresh pork and beef and chickens and their chicken eggs too.

In past years.. folks used to say real butter and eggs were bad for you too... now they are finding they were wrong..
I think its all what you personally want to believe... theres not enough PROVEN scientific data to convince me either way yet...
Honestly..i personally believe that genetics has a LOT to do with it too...

That China Study book does sound very interesting though... i'll have to check it out...just because..

Yes, I don't believe it 100% either, but I still recommend the book. And he did mention genetics as well. It said basically I could have the genes for cancer and be more likely to have it than you, but if i eat meat, it triggers those genes to be active, as genes are only active in the right conditions. It also said if I stopped eating high meet intake, te condtions wouldnt be right ect ect. Also he said he didn't stop eating meat completely just occasionally.

Also If you are interested, and don't want to read the book (400p) there is a movie that cites him alot in it. I called healing cancer,
my two pigs just put to the freezer camp had the loins cut and smoked for rashers (butchers though I was wasting erfectly good loins... dummies) ..... you just can't get proper bacon in Canada and the pea meal bacon just doesn't compare!
my two pigs just put to the freezer camp had the loins cut and smoked for rashers (butchers though I was wasting erfectly good loins... dummies) ..... you just can't get proper bacon in Canada and the pea meal bacon just doesn't compare!

There's no substitute for a good back rasher with little fat! I ate lean bacon in England but all that I could find here was streaky with loads of fat. The fat will melt away in cooking but then there's little left to eat. Now I've found and English butcher here who sells the real deal.
my two pigs just put to the freezer camp had the loins cut and smoked for rashers (butchers though I was wasting erfectly good loins... dummies) ..... you just can't get proper bacon in Canada and the pea meal bacon just doesn't compare!

There's no substitute for a good back rasher with little fat! I ate lean bacon in England but all that I could find here was streaky with loads of fat. The fat will melt away in cooking but then there's little left to eat. Now I've found and English butcher here who sells the real deal.

Oh these are the real deal... cost a fortune and training the butcher and sent each pig to different butchers ... one canadian back bacon one the real deal. We know who's gettng my piggies from here out.

Redhen... pork rinds.... definately a USA treat! lol... but I love you anyway!

I like roast pork, rolled up for cooking with the skin on. You slice through the skin and rub on salt before cooking. The cooked skin, pork crackling, is wonderful. Perhaps you guys cook pork that way too? With roast tatties and gravy made with the oil from the meat? The vegetarian side of me adds several types of vegetable that may be roasted or steamed.
Thats funny, over in India the same "god" said to not eat cows... Cows are sacred and should not be eaten....!!!

Anyway... I am so so tired of the religious hupla everywhere I go on here these days..

It is very very hard for me to leave religious statements made as some kind of "fact" alone... As they are only "fact" to the followers of the given religion or sect of the given religion.... Please realize it is a big world out there, with lots of different beliefs...

OK.... I was at a family event this weekend and one of the cousins daughters 13 is a Peskitarian! That term was new to me! It is a vegetarian who eats seafood. She is doing it because it is the "cool" thing to do. No other reason.

So at lunch she ate mashed potatoes and a few green beans and of course cake. Dinner some grapes and a little cheese, and of course more cake...

We were all positive and encouraging.. But I tell you it can be hard for an adult to eat properly away from home let alone a 13 year old making the right food choices and understanding nutrition.

The meats a lunch were chicken (Which I dislike and Pork, which I dislike even more..) I had to fight to get green beans and mash potatoes for myself....

I did ultimately have a piece of the greasy fried chicken... (I was hungry!!!)

Oh yes it was a 90th birthday party! The 90 year old is in great shape and eats pork at least twice a week....

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