Curiosity has the best of me - Vegetarians.

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Thats funny, over in India the same "god" said to not eat cows... Cows are sacred and should not be eaten....!!!

Anyway... I am so so tired of the religious hupla everywhere I go on here these days..

It is very very hard for me to leave religious statements made as some kind of "fact" alone... As they are only "fact" to the followers of the given religion or sect of the given religion.... Please realize it is a big world out there, with lots of different beliefs...

"Funny" you may say... "funny" it is not.
There is only one true God. Jesus. No other exists. Beliefs you may say, beliefs there are, but more than one being true.. No.

If you would like to debate this with me I'll be happy to do it.. Elsewhere.


I agree with ON. There have been religious discussions here before that have been shut down. I don't come to BYC to hear nonsense from religious zealots. Why is it so hard to just be happy in your faith without being condescending and discounting others? I say that as someone that has spent my whole life as a Christian and even I find lots of Christians to be extremely annoying with posts like this.
"Funny" you may say... "funny" it is not.
There is only one true God. Jesus. No other exists. Beliefs you may say, beliefs there are, but more than one being true.. No.

If you would like to debate this with me I'll be happy to do it.. Elsewhere.


I agree with ON. There have been religious discussions here before that have been shut down. I don't come to BYC to hear nonsense from religious zealots. Why is it so hard to just be happy in your faith without being condescending and discounting others? I say that as someone that has spent my whole life as a Christian and even I find lots of Christians to be extremely annoying with posts like this.

I agree. Why are people allowed to wreck a thread with that stuff? It's and insult to people of other beliefs, agnostics and atheists. There must be religious forums where they can post.
A few of us would like to know the answer to that. I'm fed up with letting that stuff pass and felt I wanted to speak up for a change.
The Weston Price study was quite interesting to read. The book he wrote is called "nutrition and physical degeneration" Of course, just like with most things, there are a few zealots among his followers, and some people who reference his studies when making all sorts of claims about eating this or that to cure cancer, etc (usually for book sales) . I suppose these things are unavoidable. Anyway, I take it all with a grain of salt!

He was a dentist in the early 1900's. He had become alarmed at the increase in tooth decay and its seeming correlation with a general decline in the health of his patients. He had heard that there were primitive cultures living on the outskirts of civilized society spread throught the globe who had perfect teeth and health regardless of the fact that They had no dental care. He was curious, and sought to visit these people and examine their teeth. From 1930-1938 he and his wife traveled all around the world, locating these isolated societies everywhere from the Arctic to Africa. He became convinced that diet was the main difference, combines with physical activity. He took tons of pictures, which are in his book, and documented their diets.

Some of these cultures were nomadic, some were herders, etc. All of the cultures had different diets, and they all were in exceptional health and had perfect teeth, without even brushing them. In several of the cultures there was some exposure to "modern society" which appealed to the young people. When these young people adopted the new food ways, their health and teeth declined dramatically. In just one generation teeth were crowded in jaws, cavities were present, and the general health was poor, with a high incidence of tuberculosis. He included pictures of this as well.

Most of the cultures ate some animal fat, even in the Asian countries (seafood when available, and broths). Some ate mostly dairy, prizing good green pasture for the benefits it had on butter and milk, most ate a variety of plants/animals depending on what was seasonally available. A few of the cultures ate almost nothing but meat products (and some really icky stuff like coagulated blood
) . All the cultures prized fat, especially for pregnant women and growing children. Sometimes the fat was from animals, sometimes from plants (like coconut oil).

The big things that They did not eat were white flour and sugar. These were the main additions to their diet when they were exposed to modern society and their health started to decline.

Anyway, sorry for the long post. I just thought it was an interesting read! And it led me to think a bit about how perhaps our genetic makeup determines our individual nutritional requirements, how we may all require different amounts of nutrients based on what our ancestors ate. That would explain why several close friends of mine do quite well on a completely vegan diet, while I do not.

I think there is a growing trend for folks to want their bodies given back to the earth and not sealed in a box. I hope it continues to grow. We do give back so little.

And, I couldn't agree with you more about finding all the spiritual fulfillment you need by being one with
nature and the cycle of life
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Thanks AndreaS!!
Makes sense white flour is essentially sugar once it gets in the body.
Interesting.. I will need to read that one day.....

Indeed genetic make up plays a role, Look what happened when the SW natives were forced to leave their legumes and corn based diet..
This is great food for thought!!!
May your compost piles be large...

I don't want to elaborate... I see it as starting in the conversation about pork and whether it was "good" or "bad"... I for one, could not let a comment go that it was "bad" for all of us based on the religious belief of certain groups.

No I do not want to debate it.. We simply disagree, which is fine... Persoanally I am happy the world is a diverse place with many different beliefs and opinions... This means I am happy for you...!!!!.......

I sincerely hope your path in life brings you peace, happiness and contentment..

Be well

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Pork was an easy meat for us to give up years ago. About the only way we have it now is cured in the form of ham. We just did not care for the taste of commercial pork.. On top of that we are anti GMO anti Soy and so forth so another reason to not eat commercial pork... I suspect that if one you that raises pigs serves a pork loin roast stuffed with garlic...I may just have to have a bite...

That can happen to any food. You just have to take proper care.

I haven't noticed any mention of cross-contamination between cooked and uncooked meats. I hope you all keep them separate and wash you hands straight after handling raw meat.
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