Curious about their roosting


In the Brooder
9 Years
Dec 8, 2010
Central Oregon
I got my 6 on Mothers Days weekend, and the ladies have just started to use their roost. They turned 5 months old this October. Until they started using their inside roost they all cuddled together. At first when I put them into thier coop/ run they would all cram themselves into a bottom nest box. I didn't want to encourage that so I covered the next boxes and gave them a larger flat box they could all cuddle together. My little Polish hen would jump on top and wiggle until she was just where she wanted, right in the mddle. They've done this for months. Just like little baby chicks.

When they go closer to the age I thought they might start laying, I uncovered the next boxes and they continued to cuddle in the bigger box to sleep. When someone started laying (who I have no idea, actually think it's two) they stayed out of the next boxes. Which was good.

I winterized the coop, closed the window and they have all of a sudden gone up to the roosts at night. All but my two wyandottes that is. They still cuddle together in the box. Why is this? Do you think the reason the other 4 went to roosting is because I closed their window, they've gotten older or?? And how long until the Wyandottes roost?

Curious I guess.
Hmm, not sure how, the pen is totally enclosed/covered... I always want to know why...... It's a pain trying to figure out my babies... Thanks
I think the other two will join the others in a little time. They like to roost together for safety and confort. Why are they in the box? Chickens just do some unexplaned/silly things sometimes. Don't worry.
The window is glass. The box to keep them out of the next boxes and because they love to cuddle. I kept it out one night and they still cuddled together on the floor in the same spot, so I put the box back in for them.. The biggest two I have and they still act like little chicks. It doesn't really bother me, I think it's cute but did wonder.

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