Curled D’Uccle feet


7 Years
Jun 1, 2017
I got a little porcelain D’Uccle from the feed store and I’ve had I’m assuming her for a couple weeks and just realized that her third toe on both feet curls in oddly. It’s not stiff or anything. In the past, I’ve had tiny chicks I have used cardboard to the feet. And I’m wondering if I should just go ahead and do that on this girl. it’s a preference, but I’m wondering if I may be overreacting I’m not sure I want her to go through the stress of splinting them. Any words of advice? It’s so hard with those feet feathers.


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Is she walking normally when her feet are on the floor or ground? If she is having problems you could make her a shoe for a few days. B complex vitamins might help if she is needing some extra riboflavin (B 2.)
A lot of toe and leg problems are due to vitamin deficiency, usualy the b vitamins
It could also just be a genetic trait in your bird.
I hatched some Maran eggs I purchased online, and half the chicks had a little (outer) toe that was short, like half a toe. It has a nail so it's a full toe.
That is weird! I’ve had chicks with curled toes before but they were younger. I decided to get cardboard and splint them. Hopefully it helps. I wasn’t sure if there would be much help at 5 weeks

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