Curled Toe Paralysis in 2 yr old Hen???

Maybe so! Are you giving her a good course of vitamins with the cipro? Being able to uncurl toes seems like a good sign to me. Chickens can fake health when they are sick but not paralysis issues, that is for sure, an improvement.
Oh yes! She's getting probiotics, vitamins and electrolytes in her water. All the laying pellets she can eat. 1 hard boiled egg a day with apple cider vinegar mixed in, one half after the Cipro. And I take her out in the yard twice a day so she can have some greens. She just sits and chows down. Can't think of anything more to do honestly.
Thats good news to me I have two hens at this moment who has had same problem. ive them in a tote with hay in it and it helps them stay up right if you can work legs down into the hay. I have had much improvement and now they seem none changing. I have this rooster booster water mix I give.. rooster booster green s that have lots of vitamins others that the drink mix does not cover I add yogurt to the pellets and water that has the mix plus the green stuff into the pellet mix. They eat very good they graze and one hen on occasion will sit on legs her my RIR toes had started to curl but has straightened out the strange thing is she can lift up her body from the back but has issues bringing up her chest and some times does summer salts. My slw was first she lost control of legs toes curling same things you mention above as well. And I used same thing as my I mentioned and now she has one leg but the other im afraid is of no use she cant seem to use it at all and it appears dry and skinny and neither hen has lost weight since showing improvement. Its been nursing them closely to get them here and they are fighting to be alive so I cant see culling them. What was some of your routine and things you used to get your hen this far? Its much appreciated if you can even list amounts.. I hope to try this my chickens are free range and are into all kinds of things but something keep working on them and I have only had luck with vitamins and proibotics or herb type things but still birds are dying. Ive used the different Corid meds for cocci and sofar the only one that seemed to help was the one mixed with a antibacterial med. Im still struggling to figure a total cure.. ive had bird sent off for narcolepsy and it came back with fatty liver with a question mark. But she didnt have the same symptoms so if one of these die im sending them off and have them tested.. birds came back clean for worms no bugs either.
I had some time to spare! This is a picture of what I'm using for her.

The Sav-A-Chick packets are designed to be mixed with a gallon of water and must be prepared fresh daily. One chicken can't drink that much so in order to prevent waste I mixed 1/4 tsp into her water which is a quart. 4 quarts in a gallon so 1 packet (which has about 1 tsp of powder in it) lasts 4 days. Same with the probiotics.
The Ciprofloxacin tablets are 500 mg ( I used Cipro as an alternative to Enrofloxacin (Baytril)). The dosage for a chicken on Cipro is 20-40mg/kg by mouth twice a day using a 500 mg tablet. So I cut the tablet into 8 pieces, each piece containing roughly 60 mg of Cipro. She gets two pieces a day, averaging 120 mg of Cipro. Her max dosage is 160 mg.
The bottle of vitamins I use in her water as well, they contain different vitamins than the Sav-A-Chick product. That scoop is for a gallon so I use 1/4 scoop.
The lone orange pill is a human B-Complex supplement. I take the cap off of it and sprinkle a tiny amount into her scrambled egg. Extra B vitamins can't hurt!
I give her 1 scrambled egg a day, divided so she gets half in the morning and half in the evening. I give that to her after her pill, to prevent it getting stuck in her throat. I use coconut oil to cook the egg in.
Hope this helps!
Update for those that are following and/or interested.

She has made no improvements. I plan to have her euthanized and sent to my state's diagnostic lab to see what caused this. I will wait 1-2 more weeks for all the antibiotic residue to leave her system so it doesn't interfere with the lab's findings.

Update for those that are following and/or interested.

She has made no improvements. I plan to have her euthanized and sent to my state's diagnostic lab to see what caused this. I will wait 1-2 more weeks for all the antibiotic residue to leave her system so it doesn't interfere with the lab's findings.

im soooooo sorry things have not got better fir you. I would think if you let them know what you used on the bird maybe you wont have to wait longer.. unless you mean letting her live untill then they ask that you dont freeze the carcasses. I dont know if the fridge will keep it from degrading too much before they get it... im not trying to be pushy or nosy just What little I do know.
Ive been using this After The Round Of Corid 9.5% was done.. there waz a decline In health but I used this afterwards the red had lost use of one leg and the other seemed close behind my slw had already lost her one leg and on occasion seemed locked at the hip. The reds toes were curling.


I trade out the water with just AVC every other day
i mixed the greens with egg chopped up added yogurt. And water given with the vitamins and electrolytes other times it was their pellets I had changed to about the time they were finished on meds. to nature wise layer. .. I wandered if I should use chick starter unmedicated instead but have not got it. They were put in slings to help keep them upright. They tend to eat better when its in front and just below neck. A couple time I had to force their water and they bounced back. They eat and drink well now ive even set them out the last week to have sunshine fresh air and chance to graze. Slw has found a way to move around by flapping and balancing on one leg. Even poops normal but the other leg has fixed itself going backwards the toes arnt curled but its only a prop as of now. Its hard mostly and dry or maybe shriveled look would be better word. Appears happy enough.. she has tried escaping.. definitely feeling more of her oats.. still far from normal.
My red RIR has use of her feet and legs but she cant seem to balance she will push with legs and end up doing a somersault and or use her legs to push her toward where she wants to go. Yesterday she was looking like death.. maybe got too hot I had forgot them to cover them up when sun was up over them. Anyway it took all day to get her drinking she was limppy I had to force water I really didnt expect her to live however this morning she was talking and ready to eat and drink. I went to check on them later and found she had sat herself up with feet under her and balancing if she leaned out too far lost balance she used her wing to balance. I hope this continues to be true. If she can be up and moving she can eat more and better.
I had been busy reading up on LL my chickens have this so theres not a probably of cure or these to my relapse again.. I keep telling myself I will cull them when they get bad.. but ive watched three die in front of me in the past and it was short period of stress and fast like less than 30 seconds has been my experience.
so I dont think I can do it myself any more painless unless given that stops the heart...and is that any less painless?
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