Curled up feet


7 Years
Sep 21, 2016
Paris, Tx
I have a 4 month old hen and her feet just curled up about 3 days ago. She is unable to stand. She was out side in the yard and we had all that rain. I have 48 more hens and being in the water did not bother them so can this be water related.
What do you feed your chickens? If both feet are curled under I would suspect that it could be riboflavin (vitamin B2) deficiency. Does she ever walk or sit on her hocks? Mareks disease can sometimes also cause this, but I would be more worried if it was one foot instead of both. Give some crushed vitamin B complex tablets (1/2 a day) on her food, or use a poultry diet that has riboflavin. The quicker it is treated, the better the chances of recovery. Here is an article about it:
I have a 4 month old hen and her feet just curled up about 3 days ago. She is unable to stand. She was out side in the yard and we had all that rain. I have 48 more hens and being in the water did not bother them so can this be water related.

Did she ever get better?

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