Curly silkie roo and hen?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 18, 2014

We were recently given this pretty little pair. They are very sweet and best buddies. She appears to be brooding now and we would like to let her try hatching a clutch of eggs. We have heard that breeding two frizzles can be a problem. What more can you tell me?
That's true. If you breed two frizzles, you get a what is called a frazzle. They have the curly feathers, but the feathers can be thin, and break easily. The feathers can look really bad.

Why not find some fertile eggs and put them under her? Silkies are very very broody, and she will enjoy any babies that she hatches......Plus, those two might just be related.....Which isn't really a great thing for breeding......
Good idea! Our others lay 3-4 each day. We have a roo that we think is fertilizing them. We can certainly give it a try!
Since the Barred Rocks and Easter Eggers have larger eggs, how many can she effectively hatch? Do we start counting from the day they were laid and put under her?
I'm sorry! I totally missed your question....You can put normal sized eggs under her, but I wouldn't put more than three. And you would count the next day after you put them under her as your day one.
When do we start counting incubation days? We are very new to this and loving every minute!

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