Current Movies - Thumbs UP or Thumbs DOWN

always unless diva wants us to start another thread.

Well, I don't want to put her out, it was more of a "here's how my mind works/what interests me", for introduction purposes really. I started reading way back at the beginning of this thread up to about pg. 102, y'all used to talk about the oldies back then. No big deal, care to comment on my list? Were any of them any good?
There is a "must see movies, old and new thread" also...
Not active Lately though

Maybe I should post there, but I'll try here first.

OK all you movie buffs, little trivia, I have a couple movies I would like to re-watch, but I can't remember the names, and have been googling them ever since we got a computer and the net. Both were from the late 80s to early 90s, more than likely late 80s, I was young. I don't know if they were good I just remember them and have to watch them again or at least find out the names.
One was about a group of Native American 'teens' maybe a little older that broke some law and were on the run from law enforcement 'feds, cops, whatever' I know that one is vague, but maybe someone who has saw that movie would remember?

The other was set in Alaska I believe, it was about poachers killing Grizzly bears. A woman was investigating it. I think they were poaching them for their gall bladders and leaving the carcasses. The poachers they found out were using the radio frequency from radio collard bears to locate them. I remember the woman investigating getting really hardcore trying to catch them and dressing up in full camo with face paint, all I can remember.

If any of you can recall either of these movies I'd greatly appreciate it.

Edited to add the Native American one was set modern day, of coarse 80s or when ever it was. Edited again to add I think they started hiding out in hotels, and then the woods like their ancestors, two guy and two girls I think.
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I don't mind if you post and talk about old movies on this thread - we seem to have long spells between any decent movies coming out- where things slow down. Honestly I don't mind if you post here or start a new thread about older movies.

I ride the senior bus and someone is always asking about an old movie but, can't remember the title, who was in it etc. and they go nuts trying to figure it out. We are all very relieved when the puzzle is solved. This thread is also open for movies you rent (old or new), streamed movies, ones you picked out of Walmart's $ 5 bin etc. BTW our Walmart seems to have done away with that.
My brother found the original True Grit movie (John Wayne) for $ 5. he was very happy.
I don't mind if you post and talk about old movies on this thread - we seem to have long spells between any decent movies coming out- where things slow down. Honestly I don't mind if you post here or start a new thread about older movies.

I ride the senior bus and someone is always asking about an old movie but, can't remember the title, who was in it etc. and they go nuts trying to figure it out. We are all very relieved when the puzzle is solved. This thread is also open for movies you rent (old or new), streamed movies, ones you picked out of Walmart's $ 5 bin etc. BTW our Walmart seems to have done away with that.
My brother found the original True Grit movie (John Wayne) for $ 5. he was very happy.

The original True Grit movie was the best, it had John Wayne in it !! While I did like the new version I wish Jeff Bridges didn't change his voice to sound growly, to me that was just dumb, I think it would have been a superb movie if he didn't do that. Mistake on part of the director probably, in my opinion.

Yeah, its a puzzle, and it only bothers me because I can't figure it out, might not have been good movies anyway, just would like to know and google has failed me for years of every once in awhile trying to find them by random asking (just in the search bar, haven't actually asked anyone before).
I loved both versions of True Grit but thought John Wayne's was better (not by much). I didn't care for Matt Damon in the newer one - and I am a big MD fan, I didn't think the part was right for him. The girl in each version , I just wanted to
, they were so irritating - but that was required by the script.
Beer, the latter one sounds vaguely familiar, but no clue about what it would be.

Batty, the Butler is an awesome movie. Watch it immediately. Then watch it again. Very cool, and I really like the performances of the actors playing the presidents at various times, they did an outstanding job, even though they were just supporting roles. They really had some name actors in those roles.

True grit was pretty good, even though I've never been a huge fan of westerns. The newer one I mean, haven't seen the older one in ages.
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Felix, I think it's way past my bedtime. I read "Batty the Butler," and missed the coma- I thought ^%^$&*$#@ never heard of that movie, must be a Finnish one. It reads much differently when your eyeballs see it as Batty," The Butler "-----

good night folks

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